"History is a storehouse of human experience and as such an irreplaceable educator. For sure knowledge of the past lets us draw upon earlier human experience, facilitating our leap into the future with a sense of ease and confidence." Fr Vijay Kumar Prabhu, SJ in"The Burning Bush: The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province"by Fr Devadatta Kamath, SJ

Sunday, June 20, 2021

FR ANTHONY ZEARO, SJ (1885-1965)

 Many a time already has Father Anthony Zaro appeared in this story, and it is right I should give here what is known of his early life till his death. He was born on 2 September 1885 at Moggio Alto in Frioli, a very picturesque mountain village on a promontory over the River Fella running through a deep valley near the Udine Tarvisio Railway line. His mother Maria died when he was six, leaving him and his 4 year old sister, Theresa, who lived to tell me this story of his early life. She has an astonishingly good memory of events. Giuseppe, their father, had to migrate to Austria for work to maintain their families as the land could scarcely support them. In a letter written from India in 1929 to uncle Simon at La Plata (Argentina), Father Zearo exclaims; "Our poor family! There wants only one for Australia to say that we have been in all parts of the world!".

The two children were brought up in the house of their parents who were good to them. Anthony's First Communion was on 25 March 1895. In those days and for a half century in Moggio Basso, the village portion at the foot of the promontory, there was a good simple priest as curate, Don Domenico Tessitori, who had the rare gift of perceiving and fostering many good priestly vocations. He was Anthony's confessor and soon discovered in him signs of a true vocation. Wordly lure could not detain him, so poor he was. His father did not oppose him, but said, "If you really want to go, remember that you are of poor condition, so you should always be ready to serve others." So at 12 he joined the Udine Seminary, in November 1897, and the following year he was confirmed. He was very intelligent, as we can see it even from his letters. He finished his theology at 22. But as he was too young for Ordination, he was sent to Cividale where there was a College, to teach little seminarists.

He was ordained priest on 14 March 1908 at Udine and was appointed for Ovedasso near Moggio. His sister came to serve him.

Works in Different Fields


In the direct care of souls, the Jesuits have used all the means which experience had demonstrated as efficacious elsewhere in the world. Of these the sodalities of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Retreats deserve special mention.

The first sodality to be established in Mangalore was Men's Sodality of the Immaculate Conception at Codialbail in 1879. It was started by Fr Urban Stein. During a hundred years it has faithfully maintained the high traditions and has been a model to other sodalities as well. To keep the members together and to promote healthy social life among them, a Recreation Hall was constructed at Hampankatta which came to be known as the Catholic Club, where library and reading room facilities too were provided.

For women, the Sodality of the Christian Mothers was started by Fr Torri at Milagres Church. These and other parish sodalities were the means of propagating true and filial devotion to the Blessed virgin Mary, love of prayer, regular use of sacraments, cultivation of Christian virtues in hundreds of men and women. For the students of St Aloysius College, The Sodality of the Presentation was started in 1881 which was bifurcated later on to form the Sodality of the Assumption for Junior boys of the High School. These two have in particular been the seed-bed of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

As it is well known, a new orientation has been given to the sodality movement with a change in name and of programme as Christian Life Communities in which much greater responsibility is given to laymen with the aim of forming a capable laity and a more solid spiritual basis of Gospel values and the Spiritual exercises of St Ignatius. They are yet in their infancy and will have to be tended with great care and solicitude.

The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius popularly known as retreats have always been considered a potent means to instill a deep spirituality and to renew it regularly. The first retreat for the clergy was held in the first year, namely 1879. Since then, the clergy retreat has been an annual feature in the Diocese of Mangalore. Retreats for boys and girls were introduced in schools and colleges. In the parishes, 'missions' were preached from time to time. 'Closed retreats' or residential retreats for small groups were introduced by Fr Emmanuel Coelho as Director of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception and so to say exploited by Fr Denis A. Pai as producing the night atmosphere and disposition for youth to choose their state of life or, in the words of St Ignatius, 'to make an election.

Fatima Retreat House

It was however left to Fr A. Le Tellier S.J. to give a push to the movement and to give it a "local habitation and a name", "Characteristically he swooped down upon Mangalore and started the work. He took the town by storm as he knocked and knocked at the door of each prospective benefactor. Mr James Britto gave the present compact 3.5 acres of land at Jeppu as a gift for the retreat house, wrote Fr William Sequeira in 1953 describing Fr Le Tellier's activity in Mangalore between 1938 and 1948. Fatima Retreat House had begun! In the decades which have followed, successive directors have made additions to buildings and improvements. In keeping with the spiritual atmosphere of the place, a life size Calvary and the stations of the Cross in cement concrete have been erected on the grounds, around the shrine of Our Lady of Karnataka, Patroness of the Karnataka Jesuit Province. The Fatima Retreat House has all the advantages without any of the disadvantages of a roadside location.

The Fatima Retreat House today is more than a retreat house merely: it is a complex of apostolates: the press apostolate with the publication of the monthly paper, Jesu Rai, religious books and liturgical-music publications; the School of music already known as 'Sangeetalaya' teaching vocal and instrumental music: the West Karnataka Jesuit Regional Vocation Centre. It is, owing to its location, a meeting place for scripture studies, Alcoholic Anonymous, conferences for clergy, courses in counselling and spirituality for religious etc.

While there was limited response for the retreat movement in Calicut, it caught the attention of the people in Banga lore, thanks to the numerous houses of formation for religious. This led to the establishment of Dhyanashrama, the house for retreats on the Bannerghatta Road.

Works outside Karnataka

 St Joseph's Industrial School, Ooty

On becoming a Vice-province, Karnataka Jesuits began to spread out to other dioceses. In 1959, at the request of Bishop Padiyara of Ootacamund, Jesuits took up St Joseph's High School and St Joseph's Industrial School. After ten years of steady work and improvement, the former was handed back to the diocese, but the Industrial School and the Boys' Home continue to be our responsibility. From Fr J. Zambon to the present Director, Fr C. Mariaraj, the period has been one of steady progress in spite of adverse circumstances which demanded love, zeal and tact. The school owes much to Fr Lawrence P. Colaco for his 18 years of direction and help. Brothers of the caliber of B. Simonetto and J. Germek, have with their mechanical skill, made the Industrial School a name to reckon with among industrial concerns, while Brother Dudley Pereira made the Boys' Home a veritable home. The purpose of the Industrial School is to train poor, orphan and destitute boys particularly of the Nilgiri Hills and to fit them for some definite avocation in life. While the Boys' Home shelters and supports the 110 inmates and attends to their moral and spiritual needs, the Industrial School offers them a three- or five-year course in carpentry and cabinet making as required by the Department of Employment and Training for a Government Diploma.

Being 'destitute', the boys themselves or their parents are unable to contribute anything towards their maintenance. The government grant of Rs. 18/ for some and Rs. 50/ for others does not carry us a long way. The deficit is met partly by the sale of articles of furniture or the income from the WOODWORKS which are located at Kakatope. Although under ideal conditions the income from the saw mills of Kakatope can be good, yet with power-cut, high wages and shortage of logs actually the surplus is meagre. The Nilgiris Jesuit Educational and Charitable Society is thus left with a heavy financial burden. But the fact that the beneficiaries are the poorest of the poor, has created the conviction that the Institution must be maintained. Every year about 20 boys go out with a certificate and a box of carpenter's tools to begin life on their own.

To recount and elaborate on the social work undertaken by individuals, though a pleasing task would be beyond the scope of the present article. However, one cannot fail to mention the name of Fr Emmanuel Coelho. While being a Professor of English at St Aloysius College, he started numerous works for the needy. His Bene Morienti Sodality for workers who were prone to drink, or the care of the lepers who would not live at Fr Muller's leprosarium but preferred to beg, or the Poor Girls' Dowry Fund, or the Institute of Maids of Nazareth for the service of the poor are a few among them. The Sodality of Bene Morienti continues to this day under the guidance of Fr Lawrence D'Souza of St. Aloysius College. Fr Bertram Siqueira has inherited the mantle both of his brother late Fr Joseph Siqueira and Fr Emmanuel Coelho who worked for the lepers. In addition to this, he continues the hidden work of Fr John Peter Noronha in whom the poor boys of the St Aloysius College and High School and the patients of the Government Hospitals of Mangalore found a refuge and an understanding heart in their time of need.

An institutional social work suited to our days is what the Evening Schools and Colleges do in Mangalore and Bangalore which are a boon to working men and women inasmuch as they enable them to obtain a better qualification to improve their status or condition in life. The Housing Scheme of St Joseph's Seminary, under the leadership of Fr Valerian D'Souza, has seen to the rehabilitation of a hundred families displaced by floods, channelling aid and supervising its employment to the greatest advantage of the beneficiaries. Nehrunagar as a housing service at Ullal has been constructed on a part of the property owned by St Aloysius College while yet another part of the property in the same place is earmarked for the Social Service Centre on the occasion of the Centenary for rehabilitating the physically handicapped. In the formation of young Jesuits at Mount St Joseph (Novitiate), the seed for social concern is being sown early by involving them in the movement for liberation through the Social Service Centre of Kalena Agrahara and the neighbouring villages in Bangalore South.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

Working in the Social Action


Hand in hand with evangelization went social work and the fight for human rights and justice. One of the most O glorious achievements of the first batch of Jesuits is Father Muller's Hospital at Kankanady, Mangalore. Fr Augustus Muller who had trained himself in homeopathy started work on a very modest scale on a small table with a few medicines at SAC. He soon founded a dispensary at Kankanady, which through the years has grown into a well-organized hospital and earned fame as one of the best Catholic hospitals in India. Called 'Pagani Dispensary in the first decade of the twentieth century, it was renamed in memory of its founder. After the death of Fr Muller in 1910, Frs D. Gioanini, A. Cavaliere, A Rondano and M. Lunazzi as directors built up the hospital till it was handed over to the diocese in 1933.

With similar concern for the sick, Frs Beretta and Rocca started Nirmala Hospital at Marikunnu in Calicut, with many specialized branches of treatment and a training school for nurses.

In the mission stations social work took the form of cooperative societies among workers v. g. at the Cathedral under Fr Stein, at Suratkal under Fr D. Coelho. Among the poor and oppressed, it became a fight for human rights in courts and panchayats. The early missionaries not only lived like the poor, among the poor to show their solidarity with them but also tried to restore to the Kor gars and the Pulayas what society had deprived them of.

'The St Joseph's Asylum Workshops' was the result of Fr Diamanti's zeal to help converts and other poor Catholics to make a living. But the Jesuits who stood by him and continued his service thereafter his death were Br Visuvasam and Br Foglieni. They are the real stalwarts who deserve the name of founders. The orphanage and the catechumenate owe much to Br Visuvasam for his many years of dedicated and silent work. It was at his suggestion that these were opened in 1885. Br Foglieni was the guiding star from 1889 to 1931. He was the real manager over 44 years which saw ten directors including Fr Jerome Lobo, Fr Lunazzi, Br Nalato, Fr William Sequeira and Fr Ambrose D'Mello. Under the management of the Diocesan authorities today, it continues to be an efficient and useful institution, where many learn a trade and at the same time earn a living.

The Belve Agricultural Colony, an off shoot of St Joseph's Workshops, was the work of Fr William F. Sequeira. Seeing the increasing number of workers with their families and desirous of providing them with houses of their own, he acquired agricultural land and gradually settled a few families at a time. Thus from 1959 a colony grew up. During the years of its growth the virgin forest was cleared to make way for the paddy fields and banana plantations copiously watered by high powered pumps. Fr W. F. Sequeira's successors continued his policy and contributed to its firm establishment. Along with the Workshops, the Colony too was handed over to the Mangalore Diocese in 1968.

From 1923, on the same lines as at Mangalore, St Vincent's Industrials and St Vincent's Colony have grown in Calicut. It all began when Fr Alberti, the then Superior, asked Br Spinelli to help the orphans. The latter started with two sheds close to the Cathedral, Calicut, two looms and a capital of ten rupees! The proverbial seed sprouted and grew into a vast tree; ten departments including a mechanical and motor section, cement and concrete works. moulding and casting department, automobile engineering and service station. The orphanage was shifted in 1944 to a 34 acre lowland along the Colony Canal and it grew under Fr Vergottini as Director while Br Spinelli continued to serve as assistant.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

Mission Work in Anekal


Anekal, some 24 miles to the south of Bangalore, was the field of labours of the early Jesuit missionaries of the 17th and 18th centuries. Providence has brought their successors back there in this 20th century. Only recently, after nearly a quarter century of experience of scattered activity, it was decided that the Jesuits take up a single region in Karnataka for evangelization and development, instead of spreading their personnel around the State.

Along with pastoral work among Catholics in the region, attempts are made to reach out to those outside the fold. The Loyola Hostel at Anekal, in the midst of a predominantly non-Christian area, is an attempt to move out of the city to extend educational facilities to the village boys: poor boys from village parishes reside here under the guidance of a Jesuit priest- Fr Denis Alvares at present - and attend the nearby Government High School or Junior College,

At Chandapura, which is a totally Hindu locality, there is the Divya Jyothi Ashram. It was opened in response to the desire expressed by some Jesuits at a Province meet to have some typically Indian modes of apostolate. A Jesuit priest (formerly Fr Deepak Nayak, now Fr A. Farias) resides there, always available to the people.

Attempts were made by Fr Deepak Nayak to free bonded labourers from the clutches of the landlords and to provide them with means of occupation in view of their rehabilitation. The drive for literacy prompted the opening of centres with library and reading room facilities at Chandapura, Sarjapur and Attibele.

But the most recent apostolate is even more significant. Fr Victor Mathias with his team of two other Jesuits and the Canossian Sisters to help him, has launched into what is called Adult and non-formal education, which aims at the conscientization of the people about their rights and duties, their problems and the ways to tackle them. In the process they pick up the 3R's too. In this way the elders come to appreciate the benefits of education and may more easily permit the education of their children. It is a big task and the Jesuits have put their hand to it perhaps as the main apostolate of the second century.

In this work of evangelization the missionaries of today have the powerful intercession of Fr Manuel de Cunha. Fr de Cunha was one of the early Jesuit missionaries who laboured in this vineyard. He brought the light of faith to many, and because of it incurred the wrath of some. He was killed for his faith in 1711. Only an upright stone marks the spot where he was laid to rest. People of the place often go to pray at his tomb, asking for his intercession.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

North-East Mission: Nagaland


Nagaland is a picturesque country of the North-East Frontier of India, bordering on Burma and inhabited by sturdy tribals called the Nagas. They are mostly non-Catholic Christians i.e., Baptists and revivalists, numbering about four lakhs.

Besides there are about 20,000 Catholics and 80,000 animists. The Nagaland mission was taken over 1970. all came about this way. There was request for Jesuits for Nagaland to open educational institutions. The Provincials conference shifted the request the Vice provincial of Karnataka, with promise to stand by to help. Fr Cyril Pereira, Vice provincial acceded to the request. Soon afterwards, along with Claude D'Souza he went to the place explore the possibilities. When the exploration was over, Fr Stany Coelho who had long experience the educational field, left for Nagaland do the pioneering work was April 1970.

The work began with the establishment of Loyola School, Jakhama Parish the Kohima district. Subsequently, 1974 the Bishop Kohima-Imphal (covering the state Nagaland and Manipur) entrusted also the Phek district the Jesuits and the Chakesang Catholic Mission was opened Ligouri Castelino with headquarters Chizami. For better administration, coordination work and obviate the difficulties communication, the institutions the Nagaland territory have been constituted into District with Ligoury Castelino the District Superior. Today there are ten Jesuits working the area. Loyola School well-established high school. There are four primary schools which are parti ally feeder schools, and Teacher Training Institute dedicated Paul. The number students these exceeds one thousand which fair indication the eagerness the people learn this primitive land. Jakhama parish has over half dozen stations. Chizami, centre the Chakesang area, has nine stations.

Meluri mission parish has two substations and Tenyizumi, the latest mission parish to be started, has two stations too.

It has been hard pioneering work in a different climate, under totally new circumstances and all credit must go to the pioneers for laying the foundations and establishing right traditions. Tributer should be paid here to the late Fr Edwin Goveas, the first Jesuit missionary and first Catholic priest to lay down his life in Nagaland in the service of the flock. He belonged to the first batch of Jesuits who went to Nagaland. He worked at Tuensang for a couple of years, and on 3 February 1973, passed to his eternal re ward. The pioneers Fr Stany Coelho, Fr Ligoury Castelino and Br Raymond D'Souza have spent nearly 10 years in the place.

Educational work is going on hand in hand with evangelization, education itself being the big instrument of evangelization, slow but sure. Teachers from India find it difficult to stick on, on account of severity of climate, lack of social life and primitive conditions of living. To secure local personnel to staff the schools a training school for teachers has been opened at Phesama, not far from Loyola School.

As mostly the people of the place are attached to their land and have to live by it, an agricultural and land productive slant has been given to education.

Loyola School with its boarding house deserves special mention. The first pioneering effort of the Jesuits in Nagaland, it has already made its mark for all round efficiency. A unique feature of the Loyola School chapel is that Naga motifs adorn both the tabernacle and the main door. The construction of school buildings, boardings, chapels in Jakhama and Chizami and the supply of drinking water to them has been aided to a very great extent by Missio, Misereor and the IGSSS. The school has already 553 students on its rolls. The smart and well-trained students of the school will turn out to be the leaven to their homes and the land in years to come. The seed has been sown.

Eden: While the construction of buildings for the St Paul's Teacher Training Institute at Phesama is going on, plans are being finalized for a home for the parentless at Kuzhama. It will be called Eden. The aim is 1) to help them to become independent self-employed earners in their villages, 2) to prepare with Vocational and general training gifted but under-privileged and neglected children to take up responsible positions in Naga society. As at Jakhama, Viswema and Phesama, Fr Stany Coelho is the pioneer in this work. With at least a couple of priests, Sisters and lay missionaries it should be the core of a big programme of social help and development. As the diversity of languages makes it impossible for the missionary to reach all, a school for training catechists is a sine qua non in that region. At the Catechists' Training Centre at Imphal, of which Fr Frigidian Shenoy was the Director for five years, young men from Manipur and the neighbouring Nagaland are being trained to carry the torch of faith among their own people and liberate them from ignorance and superstition. Set on a firm basis, this school has been handed over to the diocesan management.

Attached to Loyola School is the parish of Jakhama with substations: Viswema, Mima, Khuzama, Phesama. Each village is situated on the top of a hill, at a distance of 50 to 80 Km. from any other. A multitude of languages and difficulties of transport make missionary life in Nagaland really hard. Trudging day and night between the villages of Nagaland, facing landslides, bearing hunger and thirst and loneliness and braving risk to life and limb, is the stalwart Fr Ligoury Castelino, the soul and animator of the Chakhesang Mission.

The success of the missionaries in Nagaland is to a large measure due to the hearty cooperation of devoted bands of Sisters who are missionary-minded to the core: the Apostolic Carmel Sisters at Jakhama, the Ursulines at Chizami and at Meluri, and the Bethany Sisters at Viswema, in the order of their arrival in Nagaland.

The truth is never static. By quiet work and example, the truth about the Catholic Church is spreading, and slowly but surely the Christians are seeking to be one-fold and one shepherd. Every year a good number seek admission into the Catholic Church.

The harvest is really ripe but the labourers are few. It is a place for zealous hearts and loyal minds and robust bodies. We hope that before a quarter-century of the second hundred years of the Karnataka Vice province is over, we will have a Catholic Nagaland.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

Mission Activity in Karnataka

Mission activity in South Canara

Though the Mangaloreans had repeatedly asked for the Jesuits for the purpose of education, the Society of Jesus could not neglect missionary activity. Indeed, the Society has always considered it its primary apostolate.

The history of mission work in the Vice province is a page written in gold. By his heroic efforts Fr Francis Xavier Maffei in 1898 blazed the trail. Much earlier, from the very time he had landed in Mangalore with the first batch of Jesuits in 1878, Fr Maffei had taken up mission work by preaching missions and giving talks, moving from place to place for this purpose. Finally, he turned a full missionary and went all out to conquer souls by prayer, penance, and even severe austerities, till he died all alone in a hut at Nellikunja. He did not die in vain. The road for heroic efforts in missionary life had been laid. Fr F. Corti initiated mission work in Naravi and the surrounding areas. His adventures and exploits often reached the limit of human endurance. From 1904 to 1926 he spent himself in the service of the 'outcastes' to make them 'God's children' as he himself used to term them. It was not a work of just baptizing: it was work for social justice, service of humanity, philanthropy and charity all in one. He became one with the people, living with them and like them and stood by them too through thick and thin, He carried Christ's message, and began a splendid process of liberation of these people from serfdom, from bonded labour and from ignorance. He fought their battles in courts of law, too. He became the 'pariah guru' or the Naravi chieftain. Long before Mahatma Gandhi Frs Corti, Gaviraghi and Camisa had spotted out the Harijans as the oppressed ones and spent themselves in their service.

For 25 years Fr Angelo Gaviraghi moved on foot from place to place-Arva, Badyar, Belthangady and Madanthyar in search of outcastes and the poor. He is well remembered in these places. Subsisting he let his zeal take him across forests and on meagre and simple food, fields. Neither the hot sun nor his own bad health, -a virulent type of eczema was his constant companion-nor even opposition from vested interests deterred him from Christ's work.

Fr Alexander Camisa took up the work among the lowest of the outcastes, the 'Korgars', and became a white Korgar for Christ's sake. For more than thirty years, from 1920 to 1955, he worked for the Korgars, trying with secular and Christian education to raise their status in life. He introduced schools and handicrafts which helped them secure the means for a better living. All through it was a herculean task. For the benefit of his Korgars he even wrote the first Tulu catechism.

At Suratkal Fr Denis Coelho, the first Mangalorean Jesuit, worked as a missionary to gain the goodwill of the non-Christians in that area. For twenty years from 1898 to 1918, he strove to spread the knowledge of Christ. He had a practical bent of mind and sought to stabilize his work through schools, cooperative societies, the printed word and pictures. In fact, he started seven schools and secured from the Government many acres of land for his people.

Mention must be made also of Fr Antony Zearo who worked as a missionary all his years in India, first in South Kanara (Narol, Alankar...) and then in Wynad. He is in a way a link between the early and later missionaries.

The last of this noble band of missionaries brings us to the early years of the second half of the century, in fact to 1955.

With the shifting of the missionary activity to the Calicut region in 1923 the torch of zeal began to glow there, first in the hills of Wynad-at Meppady, Manantody, Vayittiri-and at Shoranur in the plains. Frs Lombardini, Sebastian Noronha and John Coelho patiently and painstakingly sought out souls in the estates and fields. Lonely was their life, unsung by human voices their work, but numberless were the souls they gained for heaven.

Soon, however, with the arrival of new young men, missionary activity shifted to the vast Pulaya areas. Fr Caironi with his restless zeal became the pioneer here and like Fr Maffei lit the torch. But unlike Fr Maffei, he was young and God granted him years of active life to move about far and wide, setting ablaze everything with his missionary torch. The Chirakkal Mission with its several substations covering a large area is the fruit of Fr Caironi's efforts. Frs Montanari, Del Zotto, Zucol, Zearo and Taffarel rivalled his exploits so that from 1950 the area was flourishing with missionary activity with chapels, dispensaries, hospitals, and Christian homes springing all over. Here too the missionaries were apostles of social justice, standing for the rights of the poor outcastes or the Pulayas. If a large number of the Pulayas today have emerged as respectable citizens, knowing their responsibilities and duties, the blessings are traceable to the tireless labours of the missionaries.

With the erection of the Karnataka Vice-province in 1955 missionary activity had to shift to the Karnataka State. In fact, Fr J. B. Janssens, the then Jesuit General, in his decree establishing Karnataka Vice-province had urged the starting of new mission stations in the territories of the various dioceses. The bishops too welcomed the proposal. Thus, a new era of missionary activity started with its concomitants like social work, education and social uplift. Between the years 1955 and 1975 no less than 25 priests laboured in more than 40 mission stations or sub-stations spread over the five dioceses of Bangalore, Mysore, Ooty, Bellary and Chikmagalur. Chief of these mission stations were Adigondanahalli, Basavanapura, Channa patna, Chikkakammanahalli, Kunigal, Sira, Soosaipalayam and Tiptur in the Diocese of Bangalore: Chamrajnagar, Gundlupet, Hunsur, Nagavalli, Prakashapalayam, Somwarpet and Sunticoppa in the Diocese of Mysore; Dasapura and Magge in the Diocese of Chikmagalur: Doddagajanur and Mudianur in the Diocese of Ooty: Gulbarga, Manvi, Munirabad, Sandur, Shahabad and Tungabhadra Dam in the Diocese of Bellary. The list is formidable. For 20 years, among many others, Frs Denis Alvares, John Aranha, Ambrose D'Mello, Patrick D'Mello, Denis D'Souza, Norbert D'Souza, Aloysius Farias, Andrew Lewis, Mathew Lewis, Cyprian Pai, Isidore Pinto, Thomas Pinto and John B. Prabhu have toiled in these areas with varying degrees of success. And what did they do in these places? Together with the knowledge of faith, they sought to give the people better conditions of material life houses of their own, plots to cultivate, job facilities and abilities with the know ledge of a craft. Chapels too rose, schools were opened, fields cultivated. In most cases when the situation improved, they handed over the station to diocesan authorities and moved on to new pastures.

Walking in the footsteps of their forebears the missionaries of our own day have striven and still strive, each in his own way, to spread the good news to the people of Karnataka, mainly in the Kannada-speaking areas. Given the times their approach must be different: direct evangelization, development, social emancipation and literacy programme have been some of their effective methods.

Of the recent missionaries, two have gone to their eternal reward: Fr Andrew Lewis and Fr Luigi Perego. The former did silent work for Christ in several places, first in the Kerala region and then in the diocese of Mysore. Fr Perego was a missionary all his priestly life. A staunch believer of direct evangelization, he practised it fearlessly in his musical Kannada. He put up a new Church at Basavanapura. He slogged for the people successfully and paid for his success dearly: he lost his health, his eyesight and finally died in Italy far from the land of his dreams-like Xavier, the patron of the Chikkakammanahalli parish where he laboured last in India. He was a real firebrand for Christ's sake.

Speaking of new churches, special mention must be made of the beautiful church on a hilltop at Somwarpet, erected by Fr John B. Prabhu, and of the splendid church of Gulbarga in the Muslim style of architecture and a true mark of inculturation-the labour of love of Fr C.C. A. Pai. Add to these the spacious church at Adigondanahalli built by Fr Denis Alvares and completed by Fr Thomas Pinto.

Not all might have put up new churches, but all have been earnestly engaged in the task of building the temple of God in the hearts of the people.

Fr Cyril V. Silva, stationed at present at T. B. Dam in Bellary Diocese, is the only one of our missionaries at present in the diaspora, while all others are working in one or the other of the two regions entrusted to the Karnataka Jesuits as the fields of their evangelization work Anekal area in the Bangalore Archdiocese and Kohima and the Chakhesang area in Nagaland.

In connection with the missionary activity of the Vice province it is with legitimate pride in Christ we mention our missionaries going West to Africa to help in the evangelization of that continent. In 1960 Fr William Picardo with Fr Mathew Lewis formed the vanguard. They took up work in the Mwanza Mission catechizing, teaching in schools, contacting youth, besides doing regular parish work. Though for reasons of health Fr Mathew Lewis returned to India, Fr Picardo continued his fruitful work for eighteen years. He was joined by Fr Aloysius D'Souza in 1963 and by Fr Stany Mascarenhas in 1971. Other Jesuits from other Provinces in India joined them so that today the Jesuits in East Africa form a Region of the Society of Jesus which extends from the Sudan to Tanzania.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

Jesuit Works in Hassan


St Joseph's High School at Hassan was the result of the expansion of the Karnataka Vice province when Calicut was separated from it, to form the Malabar Region, the future Kerala Vice province. Hassan is one of the important districts of the Karnataka State. Besides the parish, and a high School for girls run by the Sisters of Charity, there was no other source of Catholic influence in this part of the Chikmagalur diocese. To meet the needs of the people who are mainly estate managers or workers, Fr Boniface D'Souza undertook to start a school at Hassan. Fr John Aranha, an experienced hand in education was entrusted with this new venture. He started with a primary school in a rented building in 1957. Soon a suitable plot was acquired and a building was put up. The high school classes were opened in 1960. The teething years were hard but the School stood the hardships and grew till it became what it is today - a school with an enviable record in studies and sports. A good number of Jesuits- priests and scholastics- have contributed their mite to the making of the school. They have always striven to maintain the good traditions of the earlier years.

While dealing with the educational apostolate, we may also mention that boarding houses and hostels were opened or taken over in Mangalore, Bangalore, Calicut, Bellary and Hassan; all for the advantage of students who had no facilities for education in their own places. They have been a great boon to many a gifted student from rural areas and provided vocations to the priestly or religious life. The Mangalore boarding house and hostel alone accounted for more than a hundred vocations in fifty years.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978

St. Joseph's Degree College 

St. Joseph's Institutions, Hassan is managed by the Hassan Jesuit Educational Society (HJES). The HJES aims at executing the noble objectives of the Jesuit philosophy of education. St. Joseph's Institutions in Hassan had its humble beginnings in the year 1957. It is one of the oldest educational institutions established in the heart of the city of Hassan. In 1957 Fr John Aranha started the school in a rented house in K. R. Puram, Hassan. It was shifted to the present location (Salagame road) in 1961. In the same year the primary school turned into a High School and in 2004 it became a composite PU College. In view of providing higher education, the Jesuits started a Degree College in 2009 in the same campus and was shifted to the present location (Katihalli) in 2018. The college is affiliated to the University of Mysore, one of the premier universities in Karnataka and offers B.Com and BBA courses.

The motto of the college is 'Service the light of life' which serves as an inspiration behind the vision and the educational praxis of the institutions, forming men and women for service and becoming a beacon of light and hope in the country and in the world at large.

The compassion of Jesus, journeying with others, towards integral human liberation.

Inspired by the voice of God and partnering with others, we strive to impart holistic education and form human communities, based on freedom, love, reconciliation and service.

St. Joseph’s Primary and High School
St. Joseph’s Composite PU College
St. Joseph's First Grade College - website: http://www.sjchassan.edu.in/


Was 75 when he died at St John’s, Bangalore, a few days after he went into a coma resulting from a stroke. Fr Cecil was essentially a botanist and a committed environmentalist. Had his botany degree from Bombay University under the tutelage of the eminent botanist, Fr Santapau. Was ordained at Enghien where he studied theology. By dint of tireless work in woods and jungles in Chikmaglur district where he collected specimens and classified them, he obtained his Ph.D. Taught Botany at St Joseph’s, Bangalore and was briefly its Principal when a heart condition forced him to slow down. After staying at ‘Olgowil’ for several years, Fr Cecil came unto his own at the newly opened ‘Arrupe Nivas’ but his end came shortly after.

Cecil John Saldanha

Birthdate: December 27, 1926 (75)

Birthplace: Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Death: April 7, 2002 (75)

Place of Burial: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Immediate Family: Son of Aloysius Joseph Saldanha and Millie Saldanha

Brother of Silvin Francis Saldanha; Noreen Seraphine Monteiro

Occupation: Professor of Botany, St Joseph's College, Bangalore

Rev. Fr. Cecil Saldanha SJ Ph D

Died: April 7, 2002

Age: 76

Years as a Jesuit: 57

Place of Death/Burial: Jesuit Nivas, Bangalore

Born at Mangalore on December 27, 1926. Joined the novitiate on June 16, 1945. As regent he did his M. Sc in Botany at Bombay under Fr Santapau; was ordained in Enghien on July 30, 1958 and he did his tertianship at Chantilly. Solemn Vows on August 15, 1962. Did his doctorate in Botany. Specialized in Taxonomy; taught Botany in St. Joseph’s College; set up the Taxonomy Center there; published books on the Flora of Hassan and of Karnataka. Was appointed on several commissions by the State and Central Governments; was Principal of St. Joseph’s College, but had to step down on account of heart attack; but he survived it and went on working for many more years. Died of heart attack on April 7, 2002.

Brief Presentation on a Jesuit Scientist/Taxonomist from Karnataka.

Rev. Fr. J. Cecil Saldanha SJ.

"Cecil Saldanha was a visionary. He worked hard to protect the environment, specially the Western Ghats" said M.N. Jayaprakash, Senior Environmental Officer, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB)

We owe a remembrance of deep gratitude to Dear Fr. Cecil J. Saldanha of Karanataka Province. He has left his footprints on the sands of time and his prints are guidelines for us young Jesuits.

He did his M. Sc in Botany at St. Xavier's Bombay under Fr. Santapau and his Doctorate in Taxonomical Studies in Botany

Fr. Cecil's Taxonomical field work includes four Bio-Geographic regions of Karnataka viz., (a). West Coast Plains; (b). Western Ghats; (c). Southern Plateau and (d). Northern Plateau

Published works: Books/Environmental Reports etc.

The Flora of Hassan District is a compact work covering the botanically unexplored area of the Western Ghats of peninsular India. Dr. Saldanha and Dr. Nicolson undertook intensive field and laboratory studies on the flora of the area. 1,700 species of vascular plants are being reported. It has 132 original drawings and 20 color plates.

Flora of Karnataka Volume 1: This is the first 'flora' with keys, illustrations, descriptions, nomenclatural citations and distribution notes covering the 19 districts of the State. The present and subsequent volumes with over 3,400 species of flowering plants form a basic tool for scientific and sustained utilization of the higher plants in the state.

Flora of Karnataka Volume 2: This covers 20 districts of the State. This volume covering 49 (Nos. 65-112) families of flowering plants forms a part of a basic tool for scientific and sustained utilization of the higher plants in the State.

Plants of India: Co-authored with Jyotsna Dhawan. This book has attractive pictures with aesthetic value, giving us an insight into the biological diversity in the ever green, moist deciduous montane forests on the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. There is an appeal for the conservation of these beautiful and unique plants for the future generations.

Other Contributions:

Endemic Angiosperms in the Western Ghats

Karnataka State of Environment Report (both in English and Kannada)1983-84, 84-85,85-86.

Geology and Soils of Western Ghats

A select Bibliography on the Environment of Karnataka

A select Bibliography for Andaman & Nicobar Islands for Environmental Impact Assessment

Managing the Western Ghats (2001)

Lakshadeep - an Environment Impact Assessment (1987)

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands -An Environment Impact Assessment (1987)

Karnataka State of Environment Report -IV (1990)

Karnataka State of Environment Report - VI (1993)

Responsibilities and Positions:

Member and Chairperson in various State and Central Environmental Commissions

Collaborator - Taxonomical Research Program with Smithsonian Institution for the production of Hassan Flora.

Nature lover and an avid photographer

Committed conservationist associated with multidisciplinary environmental impact studies both for resource utilization and industrial development

Founder director of the Center for Taxonomic Studies in Bangalore

Visiting scientist at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

Elected fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences and the New York Academy of Sciences.

--Compiled by Fr. Melwyn D' Cunha SJ

Saturday, June 19, 2021


Fr Victor Piovesan, SJ

He was born at Paese in Italy on 5 January 1927, and he joined the Society from the diocesan seminary. It was in response to the call of the Calicut Mission for volunteers, Piovesan along with Perego opted for it; he had begun Philosophy in Gallarate and completed it in Kandy. He had his regency in Cannanore and theology in Kurseong, thus getting ready for mission work. He learned the vernaculars, but bowing to obedience, he had to find his mission field within the precincts of the Seminary, where he formed labourers for the mission field. Though he joined the seminary in pre-Vatican days, soon he turned out to be a vigorous exponent of Vatican II renewal, but not aggressive. His classes were well appreciated, he was highly in demand for retreats for priests and religious; he was much sought after for spiritual direction. In view of the forthcoming Centenary, he was appointed Rector of the Seminary, and he made a grand success of the celebration.

Even after the transfer of the care of the seminary to the diocesan clergy, he continued to be on its staff. When age and ailments made him feel that he could not do much to serve the Institution, he returned to the mother Province in 2007 and there at Gallarate on 1.1.2014 his soul winged its flight to heaven.

History of Jesuit Institutions in Bangalore

 ST JOSEPH'S COLLEGE (1858-1937-1978)

Life shows itself in growth. For sixty years the attention of the Jesuits was concentrated on Mangalore as far as the education of youth was concerned. Now came an offer for them to widen their horizon. This came in the form of a request from the ecclesiastical authorities of Mysore to take up from the French Foreign Mission the St Joseph's Institutions in Bangalore. Each of these institutions has a chequered history of its own.

Adapting to the biblical parable, the history of St Joseph's College is the growth of a mustard seed. The seed was sown when in 1858 Bishop Brigot opened a school at Bangalore for boys of European descent. It was in fact a seminary, a school, an orphanage and a boarding house all in one. From this has grown today's complex of St Joseph's Institutions: St Joseph's College, St Joseph's Boys' High School, St Joseph's Indian High School, St Joseph's College of Commerce, St Joseph's College of Business Administration, St Joseph's Evening College, with the adjuncts St Joseph's Hostel and Boarding House all shoots of one plant. The germ of division and development was in the seed itself.

Soon after founding the school for 'European' boys the Missionaries of the 'Foreign Mission Society of Paris' strongly felt that the doors of education should be opened to Indian students also. Thus came into existence the St Joseph's Indian High school. Fr Vissac, Fr Accouturier and Fr Blaise were the three gardeners par excellence in the Lord's vineyard. They were administrators., builders and men of God. Thanks to their ability and vision the College and the Indian High school had not only a firm habitation of its own but had acquired a name too.

 In 1937 however the Society of Jesus had been requested to take over the management of St Joseph's Institutions from the efficient hands of the 'Foreign Mission of Paris'. For want of personnel from among their own ranks they generously handed over the Institutions to the Jesuits of the Karnataka Vice-province (at the time the Calicut Mission). On a mere human level it is impossible to gauge the sacrifice involved on the part of the Foreign Mission Fathers. If the Jesuits have built much it is because of the seventy years of self-sacrifice of those fathers who had laid solid foundations. In 1937, when handing over the St Joseph's College to the Society of Jesus, Bishop Despartures of Mysore wrote as follows: "We owe you, all of us, a large debt of gratitude for your kindness in bringing us relief. We need not make a mystery of the fact: if the French Foreign Society had still the glorious recruitment it could boast of forty years ago, we would not have parted with our College and Schools being as they are the fruit of years of devotion on the part of our confreres who formed as fine and efficient a band of workers as one could wish. But for want of men, we had to part with those institutions, and in our plight your Society agreed to succeed us".

In the meantime the parent, the European School, while helping the development of the spreading branches, had been steadily strengthening itself. In 1937 when the Jesuits took it over Fr Leo Proserpio (later Bishop of Calicut) was appointed its principal. Those were hard times, the years of the Second World War. Within five years the school had four principals: Frs V. Lambert, V. Ghilardi and C. Studerus. But the school pulled through bravely and under the principals Frs Em. Jacques and Joseph Coelho made fine progress in all activities so that Fr M. Biscaro, Principal between 1952 and 1958 could keep up the Centenary of the School on superb traditional lines. The strength of the school had gone up without loss of efficiency. From then on the school has gone on from progress to progress in many fields of school-life under the principals who succeeded, viz. Frs Em. Jacques (for the second time) Hilary Pereira, Claude D'Souza, Hedwig da Costa and Frigidian Shenoy. Fr Hilary Perira improved the library, dormitory accommodation and provided a few other conveniences for the boarders. Fr Hedwig da Costa put up the pavilion on the playground in front of the school and the gymnasium which is a great help for games and other activities. A significant change occurred under Fr Hilary Pereira when the school was renamed St Joseph's Boys' High School. Later the I.S.C. was stopped and the School keeps the syllabus of the I. C. S. E.

Meanwhile the Indian School had its own record of progress to show under the administration of Fr Joseph Coelho who look over from Fr Browne, and Fr William Picardo, his successor. The School had improved in every way and the numbers had shot up. There was need of a change of place, need of elbow room for the one thousand boys, and better facilities for games and sports in which the school had secured a place in the State. In 1954 the school kept up its Golden Jubilee while Fr Albert Saldanha was principal. The financial position of the school which was always precarious had improved considerably under Fr E. Fernandes. The time had come to take a new step and in September 1959 during the principalship of Fr James Coelho the foundation stone was laid for a school building at the Boys' High School playground 'New Field'. In 1961, with the ground floor and a part of the first having been completed, the Primary and the Middle Schools were shifted there with Fr W. Sequeira to guide the small boys. This was the beginning which finally led to the full-scale transfer in 1970 under the principalship of Fr V. Farias. In the intervening years, Fr J. B. Frank and Fr Michael Saldanha as the principal and headmaster of the High and Middle Schools respectively had done much spade-work for the final division which came as a natural consequence of development.

With the shifting of the Indian School to the new premises, it was felt that there should be a readjustment of the Jesuit personnel and property. Fr Cyril Pereira as Vice-provincial and Fr C. Andrade as the Rector, with the approval of Fr General, took the step. The Fathers Residence of the St Joseph's Indian High School and the St Louis Boarding House were built on the property adjacent to the New Field, and the Jesuits moved to the new residence with the boarders. They formed a separate House with its own Superior. One branch had struck deep roots and become an independent tree.

St Joseph's College had also been making steady progress. Fr A. Ambruzzi, who was instrumental in accepting the St Joseph's Institutions from the Bishop of Mysore, and then Fr Thomas Gonsalves, had steered the College during the hard times of the change-over and the War that followed. Fr Boniface D'Souza set the pace for expansion. As Principal and Rector he put up the imposing hostel building at the Lal Bagh Road grounds and the block parallel to the College building, after acquiring a strip of land from Bishop Cotton Girls' School. More significant was the Commerce Block constructed across the road opposite the hostel. It formed a unit by itself. Principals who succeeded Fr Boniface D'Souza have maintained the pace of improvement so that today the College, though still attached to the parent tree as under one management, by itself forms three units. The Commerce College situated on Brigade Road constitutes one independent college, with nearly 500 students, (in 1978) and the St Joseph's Evening College of Arts and Commerce forms another independent unit, with more than 1000 students (in 1978). This college meant for working men and women is a boon to thousands. It seeks to carry the benefits of higher education and with it a better status in life to those who would never have hoped to gain them. The subsequent principals, too, have made their contributions to the progress and growth of St Joseph's.

In 1968 the five-year Honours Course was introduced in Economics, Physics and Botany. Subsequently with the dropping of the courses by the University, these courses in the College also. disappeared. It was at this time that research work progressed at the College. Through the efforts of Fr Cecil Saldanha 'The Hassan Flora Project was started in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institute, Washington. This served as the foundation for the Karnataka Flora Project. Research in Plant Taxonomy and in Embryology continued in laboratories set up for the purpose. Fr Cecil Saldanha is in charge of the first and Fr Leo D'Souza specializes in the latter.

An offshoot of St Joseph's is the College of Busine Administration, a postgraduate course which began through the efforts of Fr Francis Rebello in 1968.

With the principals have stood many Jesuits and many more members of the lay staff doing splendid work for the colleges and schools and deserving appreciation and gratitude.

- Taken from the Karnataka Jesuit Centenary, Souvenir, 1878-1978.

History of Jesuit Institutions in Mangalore


The Jesuit pioneers started the Seminary within ten days of their arrival. It had ten students. Today it is run by the Diocese of Mangalore and Calicut. From the first Superior, Fr Angelo Maffei, to the Rector, Fr Pradeep Sequeira (last Jesuit Rector and the seminary was handed over to the Diocesean administration in 1995) Superiors and Rectors have, with an active band of professors, built up every aspect of the formative period of young candidates to the priesthood. The flourishing Diocese of Mangalore with zealous, talented and efficient priests, and many others distributed all over India witness to what the Seminary has done. It has been a most dear work of the Society, to fashion priests for God's work: 'Your sons, O India, will be your saviours'.

The origins of St Joseph's Seminary are deep down in the Catholic history of Mangalore when in the 18th century (1765) Fr J. Miranda started to recruit young boys for priesthood. After a broken history of a hundred years it was resumed by the Jesuits on 11th January 1879, to be re-erected in the very place where the Seminary now stands. The plot had been bought by Bishop Michael in 1865. The Jesuits found three Seminarians, recalled a few others and reopened the Seminary with ten students on the rolls and two professors. They were housed in the then existing building which now forms the catechumenate.

The main building is the work of Fr Diamanti. He planned it and supervised its construction. The foundation stone was laid in 1887 and the building completed in 1889. It is quite an imposing but simple three storeyed structure with the chapel right in front. In 1915 another block of three storeys was added and in 1928 one more parallel block was constructed. A further addition was made with the library building projecting inward in line with the chapel so that the building stood in the form of an E facing inward to the chapel. With the numbers ever on the increase and other dioceses requesting to send their recruits to St Joseph's, a further need was felt for expanding, and so in 1977 another building for refectory and living rooms was erected, by extending one of the extreme cross lines of the E.

The material expansion has been but a sign of the development of the other aspects of seminary life in the formation of good priests. While the Rectors were busy building and governing the Seminary, professors and spiritual guides like Frs Lazzarini, Buzzoni, Macry, Belleri, Nana, Fermi and Jerome Lobo, with a number of others, were by word and example fashioning the hearts and minds of 'workers in the Lord's vineyard'. To these we must add the example of silent work and prayer given by Jesuit Brothers like Visuvasam, Lasrado, and for whom the smooth running of the institution would have been practically impossible.

How many priests have looked back and are looking back with grateful hearts to these Jesuit Fathers and the many others who stood by them in their formation days heaven alone can tell. Experienced hands had sown the seed in each one of them and nurtured it with balanced knowledge of natural sciences and philosophical orientation of mind, and above all, with a deep knowledge of God which now has flowered in their lives as priests. The Jesuits have every reason to be grateful for the blessings God has showered on them in the formation of an efficient clergy, the glory and strength of a diocese and of the Church.

The efficient and persevering work in the Lord's vineyard not only in the Diocese of Mangalore but all over India and even outside that has been done and is being done by the 1200 priests among whom there have been twenty bishops and one Cardinal, is witness enough to the training given at St Joseph's. (As this report was added here in 2021, we are not sure about the exact number o bishops and Cardinals - OV).  Truly it holds the pride of place among the seminaries in India, with a singular reputation in the Church, The "Unitas", its Annual, started in 1923, significantly enough fosters the bonds of unity among its alumni who are scattered far and wide.

By practically founding the Seminary for the education of an efficient clergy the Jesuits set the ball rolling to start a school and college for the education of the local youth. Their efforts materialised when twelve months and twelve days after their arrival, St Aloysius College was opened in Mangalore.


St Aloysius College, with its own High School, is the premier educational institution of the Karnataka Province. It will be recorded 141 years on 12 January, 2021. Beginning in a private house rented for the purpose, today it occupies a commanding position on the Edyah Hill in the centre of the Town. The original plot was donated by Mr. Lawrence Lobo Prabhu. With the efforts of Fr Angelo Mutti and the material help of the people of Mangalore and Italy, of the Government and the Society of Jesus, of Fr. General in particular, rose a stately building which is still the pride of Mangalore. The other adjacent plots were added as years rolled on, mostly by purchase, and other buildings were erected. Today twenty buildings accommodate more than 14,500 students and 868 faculty - Beeri campus is included (2021 data). It has had a steady growth without any major ups and downs worthy of special note. The College has grown to suit the needs of the times- thanks to the generous support of the people of Mangalore. The first foundation stone was laid on 21st June with Fr Angelo Mutti as the architect, and Fr Joseph Willy as Rector and Principal. Since then many times the ceremony has been repeated. The College was affiliated to the Madras University in 1882 and the early reports say that from the beginning its students won a very good name for conduct and study. No wonder. It was the natural talent of the youth of Mangalore blossoming under the guidance of scholars like Frs J. Willy, Angelo Maffei, Denis Fernandes, Emmanuel Coelho, Urbun Stein, Hugh Ryan and J.B. Sergeant. The Mangalore Magazine that started its publication in 1897 has recorded the work of the College and its students.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Writers of Karnataka Province

 Fr Devadatta Kamath, SJ (1934-)
  1. The Burning Bush: The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province (2006) – Part I, Vol. I
  2. The Burning Bush The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province (2006) – Part I, Vol. II
  3. The Burning Bush The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province  – Part II, Vol. I(In the process of Publication)
  4. The Burning Bush The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province  – Part II, Vol. II (In the process of Publication)
  5. The Burning Bush The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province  – Part II, Vol. III (In the process of Publication)
  6. The Burning Bush The History of Karnataka Jesuit Province  – Part II, Vol. IV (In the process of Publication)
  7. Janakana Manadanna – Kristayana (ಜನಕನ ಮನದನ್ನ) -2012
  8. A Catholic Catechism Part 1,2,3 (2012)
  9. Frad Saib and the Church of Cordel
  10. St John’s Gospel (Hand written)
  11. Defiant Submission. A history of the Diocese of Mangalore Vol-I (2014)
  12. Defiant Submission. A history of the Diocese of Mangalore Vol-II (2014)
  13. Dharmakanda (ಧರ್ಮಕಂಡ)- 2017
 Fr Prashanth Madtha, SJ (1947-)
Books written by Fr Prashant Madtha S.J. (in three languages)
In Konkani:
1. Kitalam (two editions)
2. Ratavol
3. Vally Padraib
4. Vally Padraibacha Bolsanthle
In Kannada:
1. ವೀರ ವಿರಕ್ತ Veera Viraktha
2. ಸಾವಿರ ಹೂಗಳು ಅರಳಲಿ Savira Hoogalu Aralali (Translated into Hindi 'Phool Kilem Hazzar') 
3. Ninnanhthe Naanagalu (2 editions) - translation of  'The Imitation of Christ'
4. Saanidhya (translation of 16th century mystical book -  "The Cloud of Unknowing')
5. ಗಂಡು ರಚನೆ ಹೆಣ್ಣು ರಚನೆ Gandu Rachane Hennu Rachane (on Gender construction) 
6.     Klassroomu Nibhavane - (Classroom Management) [2020]
7.     ಪ್ರಾಂಶುಪಾಲ: ಅಲೋಶಿಯಸ್ ಕಾಲೇಜಿನ ಆತ್ಮೀಯ ನೆನಪುಗಳು Pranshupala: Aloysius kalegina bagge atmiya kathanakalu (2021)
In English:
I. ON EAGLE'S WINGS (125 years history of St Aloysius College, Mangalore) 
II.    Smart Teacher Smart Class (Classroom Management)
A. Dictionary of 10000 Konkani Idioms - 600 pages 
B. Padanidhi - Thesaurus Dictionary of Kannada Synonyms & Antonyms
C. Thesar - Thesaurus Dictionary of Konkani Synonyms & Antonyms
Columnist of 'Udayavani' - leading Kannada daily and 'Rakno' - Konkani weekly.

Life sketch of Fr Prashant Madtha

Lecturer in Kannada: St Joseph's College, St Joseph's Evening College, Bangalore & St Aloysius College, Mangalore 
Principal: St Aloysius College, Mangalore; St Joseph's Evening College, Bangalore
Director: St Aloysius Evening College, Mangalore, The Institute of Konkani, St Aloysius College, Mangalore, Director of St Aloysius College Boys Hostel, St Joseph's PU Evening College, Bangalore, Superior & Director of ASHIRVAD, Bangalore (Centre for Continuing Education, Laity Formation & Inter-Religious Dialogue), Fatima Retreat House, Mangalore, St Joseph's College of Commerce, Bangalore, Pondicherry University MBA Program, Bangalore Region.
Secretary & Treasurer: The Bangalore Archdiocesan Educational Society. 
Member of the Editorial Board of Encyclopedia on Religion, Hampi Kannada University.
Chief Guest for the Literary Conferences: Kannada Sahithya Sammelana, Kadaba, DK, Kannada Sahitya Sammelana, Mucchur, DK, Kannada Sahitya Sammelana, Sullia Taluka. Honoured at Sullia Sahitya Sammelana, Honoured by the 76th All India Kannada Literary Conference held in Gadag 2010 for his contribution for Kannada Literature & Culture.
Awards Conferred: Indian Catholic Press Association Award-2008, Danthi Smarak Award-2008, Sandesha Award for Konkani Literature - 2009, Honoured with the 'Life Time Achievement Award' by Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations of Karnataka, Bahrain Konkani Kutam Award, Dakshina Kannada Literary Award, Catholic Sabha Mangalore Award, Alva's Nudisiri Literary Award, Moodbidri, 'Kurunji Venkataramana Gowda Life Time Achievement Award'.

Recognized as one of the '50 Pioneers of Change of India' by India Today (July 7, 2008 issue).
Translated to Kannada, on stage, the speech of Pope St John Paul II at Bajpe, Mangalore in 1986.
A TV interview with Fr Prashanth Madtha on his literary works
 Fr Leo D'Souza, SJ (1932-)
Scientific Works:

  • Biotechnology for a Better Future
  • Tissue Culture as a Tool for Plant Breeding
  • Biotechnological Applications of Plant Tissue & Cell Culture.
  • Fr Leo’s Misc. Papers
  • The Challenge of Tree Tissue Culture
  • i) Somataic Embryogenesis & Plantlet Regeneration in Mussaenda Philippica var Aurorae. ii) Effect of Season on Contamination & in vitro Germination of spores. iii) Direct Organogenesis from Internodal Segments of Mature Murraya Koenigii. iv) various articles, etc.
1. D’Souza Leo  1970 Untersuchungen über die Eignung des Weizens als Pollenspender bei der Fremdbefruchtung, verglichen mit Roggen, Triticale und Secalotricum.. Z. für Pflanzenz. 63 246-269.
2. D’Souza L 1972 Staining pollen tubes in styles of cereals with cotton blue; fixation by ethanol lactic acid for enhanced differentiation. Stain Technology
3. D’Souza L  1972 Comparative Study of the Size and Receptivity of the Stigma in Wheat, Rye, Triticale and Secalotricum.  Z.für Pflazenzüchtg 68 73-82
4. D’Souza L. 1978  Behaviour of Rye Pollen on Styles of Wheat Varieties Having Good and Poor Crossability with Rye. Z für Pflanzenzüchtg 80 129-133
5. D’Souza L. (1980) Tissue Culture as a Tool for Plant Breeding.  Current Trends in Botanical Research, ed. M. Nagaraj & C.P. Malik. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.
6. D’Souza L 1980 Hypocotyl budding in cultured coconut embryos. In P S Rao (ed) Plant Tissue Culture, Genetic Manipulation and Somatic Hybridization of Plant Cells. BARC Mumbai
7. D’Souza L. (1982) Organogenesis in coconut embryo callus. In Proc. 5th Intl. Cong. Plant Tissue and cell culture. Fujiwara A(Ed) P 179-180
8. Paily J & D’Souza L (1986) In vitro clonal propagation of Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 6:41-45
9. D’Souza L.  1988 Clonal propagation in woody trees In Tata and Wadwani (eds) Proc Natl Symp. Plant Tissue Culture. Kasaragod
10. D’Souza L  Paily J, Arokiadoss V 1988 Coconut embryo culture: Problems and Prospects.  In Tata and Wadwani ( eds) Proc Natl Symp. Plant Tissue Culture. Kasaragod 
11. D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) In vitro propagation of Anacardium occidentale L. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ culture 29:1-6
12. D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) In vitro bud proliferation of Anacardium occidentale L. Beitr Biol Pflanzen 67:273-279 
13. D’Silva I & D’Souza L (1992) Micropropagation of Ailanthus malabarica DC using juvenile and mature tree tissues. Silvae Genetica 41(6):333-339
14. D’Silva Icy  &. D’Souza L.  (1993).Controlling contamination and browning of in vitro cultures of cashew.  Journal of Plantation Crops 21 (1): 22-29  June 
15. D’Souza L. & Smitha Mallya (1993). Effect  of age and culture conditions of  donor palms on coconut anthers cultured in vitro. In: Advances in coconut research and development.   M.K. Nair, H.H. Khan, P. Gopalasundaram, E.V.V. Bhaskara Rao (eds). P.35 
16. Hegde S & D’Souza L (1995) In vitro propagation of an ornamental tree Millingtonia hortensis L.f. Gartenbauwissenschaft 60(6):258-261
17. Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L (1996) In vitro Propagation of  Drynaria quercifolia, an endangered fern. In: Pteridology in perspective  95   J.M. Camus, M. Gibby & R.J. Johns (eds).   Kew. Pp 171 
18. D’Souza L, D’Silva I, Mallya S, Augustine AC, Rajendra K, Kulkarni KR & Cardoza V (1996).  Anacardium occidentale L. (Cashewnut)  In: Bajaj, YPS (ed). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 35 Trees IV.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
19. Hegde S, D’Souza L, D’Silva I & Augustine AC (1997).Vitro Trees of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.)- A Preliminary Evaluation.  In: Pareek  LK (ed) Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology.  pp 239-240
20. Kulkarni Kavitha R., Smitha Hegde & D’ Souza L (1997) Micropropagation of Butea monosperma (Lam) Taub In: Trends in Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology.  (Ed) L. K. Pareek.  Agro Botanical Publishers, Bikaner.  291-293
21. Hegde S & D’Souza L. (1997) In Vitro studies of Drynaria quercifolia- an endangered fern. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 113-115
22. Augustine AC &  D’Souza L (1997)  Conservation of Curculigo orchioides- an endangered anticarcinogenic herb. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 116-118
23. Cardoza V, D’Souza L &  D’Silva I (1997) Fasciation of multiple shoots of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) . In : Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 119-122
24. Rajendra K and D’Souza L (1997) Direct organogenesis from internodal segments of Murraya koenigii. Spreng. (syn. Bergera koenigii. Linn.) In : Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 123-125
25. Kulkarni KR & D’Souza L. (1997) Micropropagation of Artocarpus incisus L. In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A.
26. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 137-140.
27. D’Souza L, Hegde S, Augustine AC,  Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Kulkarni KR & D’Silva I (1997) Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L. ) is a useful but hard nut to crack!. In In: Recent advances in biotechnological applications of plant tissue culture.G. A. Ravishankar & L. V. Venkataraman (eds). Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Calcutta. Pp 174-179
28. Augustine AC & D’Souza L  (1997) Micropropagation of an endangered forest tree - Zanthoxylum rhetsa.  Phytomorphology 47(3):319-323
29. Augustine AC & D’Souza L  (1997) Somatic embryogenesis in Gnetum ula Brongn. (Gnetum edule) (Willd) Blume.  Plant Cell Reports 16:354-357.
30. Augustine AC & D’Souza L (1997) Regeneration of an anticarcinogenic herb, Curculigo orchioides (Gaertn.).  In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Plant 33(2)
31. Rajendra K & D’Souza L (1998) Direct organogenesis from internodal segments of mature Murraya koenigii.  Phytomorphology 48(4):427-431
32. D’Souza L, Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Augustine AC, Hegde S & D’Silva I (1998). Micropropagation and conservation of medicinal plants. In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1). Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 57-82
33. Cardoza V, D’Souza L, D’Silva I (1999) Controlling contamination in cashew .  In : P B Kavi Kishore (ed) Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology – Emerging Trends pp.156-159
34. D’Souza L, Augustine AC, Rajendra K, Hegde S,  Cardoza V & D’Silva I (1999) Rejuvenation-A major problem in micropropagation.  In:  Kavi Kishor PB (ed) Plant tissue culture and Biotechnology – Emerging Trends. pp 22-28
35. Augustine AC & D’Souza L. (1999) Somatic embryogenesis in Gnetum ula . In : Jain SM, Gupta PK, & Newton RJ (eds) Somatic embryogenesis in woody plants (Vol 5) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp 79-94
36. Rajendra K & D’Souza L (1999) In vitro propagation of ayurvedic plants (Vol II) In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1). Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 207- 237
37. Cardoza V & D’Souza L (1999) Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration in Mussaenda philippica var. Aurorae. Gartenbauwissenschaft 64(1):6-8
38. Hegde S & D’Souza L (1999) Effect of season on contamination and in vitro germination of  the spores of  Drynaria quercifolia.  Indian Fern Journal 16:30-34
39. Hegde S and D’Souza L (2000) In vitro sporophyte production from rhizome of Drynaria quercifolia. Indian Fern Journal 17:72-76
40. Kulkarni K and D’Souza L (2000) Control of in vitro shoot tip necrosis in Butea monosperma.  Current Science 78 (2): 125-126.
41. Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2000) Direct somatic embryogenesis from immature cotyledons of cashew (Anacardium occidentale). Phytomorphology 50: 201-204.
42. Hegde S and D’Souza L (2000) Recent advances in biotechnology of ferns. In : Trivedi PC (ed)  Plant Biotechnology : Recent advances. Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi. pp 213-237
43. Rajendra K  and D’Souza L (2000) Secondary metabolites of Ayurvedic plants in vitro. In : Trivedi PC (ed) Plant Biotechnology : Recent advances. Panima Publishing Corporation, New Delhi pp 350-362
44. Rajendra K, Cardoza V, Hegde S, Anuradha M & D’Souza L (2000)  Production of Herbal drugs in vitro. In : Khan IA & Khanum A (eds). Role of biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants (Vol 1) Ukaaz Publications, Hyderabad, pp 128 –144
45. D’Souza L (2000) Jesuits for environment. Perpectives of biological sciences. Workshop on Environment, The Anglade Institute of Natural History, Kodaikanal. Abs 6. 
46. D’Souza Leo Need for Jesuits of India to work in scientific research. International conference of Jesuits in science Dyna Ashram Chennai  Jan 2001
47. Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2002) Induction, development and germination of somatic embryos from nucellar tissues of cashew.  Scientia Horticulturae 93: 367-372
48. Smitha Hegde, L.D’Souza, Rajendra K, Shashi Kiran & Anuradha M. (2002) Pathways in Plant Biotechnology. In:  Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biotechnology- Challenges and Prospects.  Mangalore.  4th – 6th Jan
49. Cardoza V and D’Souza L (2002) Transient Gus expression using particle gun bombardment in cashew.  Journal of Plantation Crops (in print)
50. Rajendra K and D’Souza L. (2002) Callus formation and regeneration of Murraya koenigii. Journal of Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. (in print)
51. Rajendra K, Nivas S, Hegde S, Cardoza V, Anuradha M and D’Souza L (2002) Biotechnological applications in Ayurvedic medicinal plants. In:  Series Recent progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol.4 – Biotechnology and genetic engineering (Eds) JN Govil,  P Ananda Kumar & Singh VK pp 99-108
52. Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L.(2002)  Axenic culture of Drynaria quercifolia L.f from spores for ornamental purposes In: Plant biotechnology for sustainable hill agriculture, Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pithoragarh, (Eds) Narendra Kumar, Negi PS and Singh NK. 74-77
53. Augustine AC and D’Souza L (2002) Correlation of  rate of germination of seeds and callus induction in Gnetum ula.  In: Kumar N, Negi PS and Singh NK (eds) Proceedings of the National Seminar on Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Hill Agriculture. Pithoragarh, pp 97-98
54. Das S and D’Souza L (2002) Alternative substrates for in vitro culture of Musa spp (Cavendish). In: Kumar N, Negi PS and Singh NK (eds) Proceedings of the National Seminar on Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Hill Agriculture. Pithoragarh, pp 99-100
55. Smitha Hegde & D’Souza L. (2002)  Conservation of Tree ferns of the Western Ghats In:  Proceeding of the National Symposium on Problems and Prospects of Environment in the new millennium. Department of Bio-Sciences, Mangalore University 
56. Rajendra K, Nivas S, Hegde S, Cardoza V, Anuradha M and D’Souza L (2002). Biotechnological Applications in Ayurvedic medicinal plants. In : Govil JN, Kumar PA and Singh VK (eds) Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol 4 - Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Sci Tech Publishers, USA, pp 99-108
57. Smitha Hegde, L.D’Souza, Rajendra K, Shashi Kiran & Anuradha M. (2002) Pathways in Plant Biotechnology. In:  Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biotechnology- Challenges and Prospects.  Mangalore.  4th – 6th Jan.
58. D’Souza L.,  Anuradha M, Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas and K Rajendra. ( 2003) (eds) Biotechnology – challenges and prospects.  LAB Publication Mangalore
59. Hegde S and D’Souza L (2003) Influence of media on in vitro growth and development of gametophytes of Drynaria quercifolia. Indian Fern Journal (accepted for publication)*
60. D’Souza L., Anuradha M, Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas and K Rajendra Biotechnology – Challenges and Prospects.  ( Eds) LAB Publication  Mangalore 248 pp 2003 
61. D’Souza Leo 2003 A contribution to the debate “ Is genetically modified food a poison” Promotio Justitiae 79 16-19
62. Hegde Smitha and L. D’Souza ( 2004) In vitro patterns of development of Drynaria quercifolia. IN: L. D’Souza , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future.  SAC Publications, Mangalore 47-50
63. D’Souza L. , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra (2004) ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future.  SAC Publications, Mangalore 320 pp
64. Sashi Kiran Nivas and L. D’Souza ( 2004)  Somaclonal variation in tissue culture derived mature cashew  trees.  J.Plantation Crops 32 144-146 
65. Hegde Smitha and L. D’Souza ( 2004) In vitro patterns of development of Drynaria quercifolia. IN: L. D’Souza , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future.  SAC Publications, Mangalore 47-50
66. D’Souza L. , Anuradha M, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde and K Rajendra (2004) ( eds) Biotechnology for a better future.  SAC Publications, Mangalore 320 pp
67. Anuradha M,  Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, K Rajendra, Vinitha Cardoza, Icy D’Silva and L. D’Souza. 2005 Challenges in Cashew Tissue Culture: An Overview. In  Ashwani Kumar, Shikha Roy and Sudhir Sopory (Eds) Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications in Tissue Culture.  I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore. Chap 25 301-303 
68. D’Souza L. Smitha Hegde, Shashikiran Nivas.  Biotechnology and food security.  IX Conference of the European Jesuits in Science. FUNDP  Namur Belgium 7-11 September 2005
69. Anuradha M,  Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, K Rajendra, Vinitha Cardoza, Icy D’Silva and L. D’Souza. 2005 Challenges in Cashew Tissue Culture: An Overview. In  Ashwani Kumar, Shikha Roy and Sudhir Sopory (Eds) Plant Biotechnology & Its Applications in Tissue Culture.  I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore. Chap 25 301-303 
70. Hegde Smitha, Vipin Kumar Menon, Rudloph Noronha and L. D’Souza 2006 Callus culture and an unconventional pattern of sporophyte regeneration in Drynaria quercifolia – A medicinal fern. In Vitro Plant 42 6 508-513 
71. D’Souza L. Christian faith in an evolving world of science.  Thalassery February 11-12 2006. 
72. D’Souza Leo  Harnessing biotechnology for Indian needs: The contributions of the Laoratory of Applied Biology.  International symposium on Jesuits and Modern Science : Past heritage, present status and future prospects. Pune Jan 2007
73. D’Souza L, Shashikiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde,  Sequeira Melwyn, D’Cunha Melwyn. Plants in relation to man’s search for the divine.  Plants in relation to man and biosphere.  St Xavier’s College Mumbai November 2007
74. Sequeira M., D’Souza L. and Nivas Shashikiran . Problems in the in vitro propagation of the red listed plant Coscinium fenestratum.   2007       National Workshop on Prioritisation and Characaterisation of fast growing native tree resources” Aug 8-9. Organized by the Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore
75. Nivas S K, Menon V K, Hegde S, D’Souza W, D’Souza L and Ghosh S B (2007).Agrobaceterium Mediated Transformation of Anacardium occidentale L (Cashew) using GFP markers System. Acta Horticulturae 738 467-472    
76. Sequeira M, D’Souza L, Shashikiran Nivas  2008 Challenges of the in vitro propagation of the red listed plant C. fenestratum.   Presented at the National symposium on “ Plant biotechnology for conservation, characterization and crop improvement” 8-10 February 2008.  Udaipur
77. Alice Clare Augustine, Shashikiran Nivas & L.D`Souza (2008) In Induction of embryos and plantlets from anthers of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.,an endangered medicinal herb. Ind J of Biotech Vol 7,536-540
78. Santhosh  W Goveas, Shashikiran Nivas,  Melwyn Sequeira, Kushalappa C G  Ramakrishna Nayak and L. D’Souza 2009.  Efforts for the recovery of the red-lissted species Coscinium fenestratum for its reintroduction into the forest.  P 30 National Seminar on ‘Global Climate Change and its impact on Biodiversity’ February 19 -20 2009.St Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai.
79. Santhosh W Goveas, Shashikran Nivas and L. D’Souza,  Micropropagation of Coscinium fenestratum an endangered medicinal plant.  2009 National Semian.  Conversing Sciences for Quality Life – February 24 -26 2009. Mount Carmel College, Bangalore. 
80. L. D’Souza, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Smitha Hegde, Melwyn Sequeira, Melwyn D’Cunha. Year ?* Plants in relation to man’s search for the divine. Published in?*
81. S.W.Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and L.D’Souza.(2011). Development of high frequency multiple shoots in the yellow cactus Selenicereus megalanthus. Journal of Applied Horticulture, Vol 13 (1):42-44. 
82. Santhosh W Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and L.D’Souza (2011). Conserving Biodiversity-case ofCoscinium fenestratum, a red listed plant of Western Ghats. Swamy Botanicals,28:33-38
83. Santhosh W.Goveas, Smitha Hegde, S.K.Nivas and L.D,Souza (2011).Study of berberine content in stem and callus extracts of Coscinium fenestratum  using HPTLC and HPLC techniques.International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, Vol 1(2):145-152 
84. Santhosh W Goveas, Madtha R, Nivas SK, D'Souza L (2011). Isolation of endophytic fungi from Coscinium fenestratum -a red listed endangered medicinal    plant. Eurasian J Biosci 5: 48-53. 
85. Santhosh W. Goveas, Shashi Kiran Nivas and D’Souza L. (2011). Breaking Dormancy and Improving Germination of Coscinium fenestratum Seeds, A Red Listed Endangered Medicinal Plant.Adv Bio Tech:10(11):39-41.
86. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2013) “Effects of different parameters on the growth of Chlorella sp.”  at the National seminar on “Trends in environmental biotechnology and its applications” organized by St. Aloysius College, Mangalore - 10 -11th December 2013.
87. Shashi Kiran Nivas and L. D`Souza.(2014).  Genetic Fidelity in Micropropagated Plantlets of Anacardium occidentale L. (Cashew) an Important Fruit Tree. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 11:2142-2146
88. P. Raghunathachari, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L. D`Souza. (2014). Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation of a Pure Line Variety of Hot Pepper, RCL 59M. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 3 Issue 11:2147-2150
89. Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’DSouza (2014) “Phenolics and Antioxidative Properties of Red Banana (Musa acuminata)” presented at National seminar on “Natural vs. Synthetic Drugs-A Medicinal Approch” organized by Department of Biochemistry(PG), St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) Mangalore, in association with Society of Biological Chemists, held on 30th September 2014
90. Sachin S.P, Abel John, Pallavi B, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Leo D' Souza (2014) “Flavonoid Assay of Methanolic Extract of Coreopsis Lanceolata” presented at National seminar on “Plant Biotechnology: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by Department of Biotechnology, faculty of sciences, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, held on 3rd and 4th March 2014
91. Sachin S.P, Abel John, Pallavi B, Shashi Kiran Nivas, Leo D' Souza (2014) “Callus induction and flavonoid extraction from Coreopsis lanceolata” presented at National seminar on “Plant Biodiversity of Western Ghats and Its Sustainable Devolopment” organized by Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial College, Udupi, held on 23rd and 24th January 2014.
92. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza(2014)  “Optimization of biomass and lipid production using a locally formulated media in Chlorella, a potential bioresource alga” at the International conference on “Bioresources, biodiversity and biotechnology”, Mysore -30 – 31st January 2014.
93. Sachin S.P, Jyothi Miranda (2015 )“Isolaton and Growth Study of Pandorina morum For its Lipid Composition” at National seminar on “New Vistas in Biological Sciences” organized by Department of biological sciences, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) held on 15th and 16th January 2017 (Best oral presentation award)
94. Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’Dsouza (2015) “Phenolics and Antioxidative Properties of Red Banana (Musa acuminata)” at National seminar on “Biological Products for Crop, Animal and Human Health Problems-Problems and Prospects ” organized by National academy of biological sciences and University of Mysore, held on 21st  and 22nd August 2015
95. Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’DSouza (2015) “Isolation And Growth Study of Nitzschia Sp. For its Lipid Composition and Biofuel Production” at National conference on “Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for Sustainability ” organized by Department of Biotechnology, Alva’s College, moodibidri, held on 6th and 7th  February 2015
96. Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas, L’Dsouza (2015) “Preliminary Screening for Phytochemicals of Plietesial Plant, Strobilanthes kunthiana (Neela kurinji)” presented at National Symposium on “Biotechnology and Molecular Biology for Industry and Common Man” organized by Department of Biotechnology (PG St. Aloysius College(Autonomous), in association with Plant Tissue Culture Association of India, held on 29th and 31st January 2015
97. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2015) “Lipid profile of chlorella conglomerata under nutrient deprived conditions” at the National symposium on Biotechnology and Molecular Biology for industry and Common Man & PTCA meet, Aloysius College, Mangalore. – 29 -31st January 2015.
98. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2015) “Ultrastructural studiesand ftir lipid assessment of local algal strains for biofuel production” at the National Conference on Advances in Environmental Biotechnology for sustainability, Alva’s college, Moodbidri. – 6- 7th February, 2015.
99. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Enhancing growth of local alga using farmwaste formulated media for biofuel production” at the National conference on algal technologies, Andhra University, Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 4th January 2016.
100. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016)“Enhanced biomass and lipid content in local algae using low cost media” at the International conference on green technologies for sustainable ecosystems, St josephs college, Bangalore, India - 26th -27th February 2016.
101. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Screening of local algal isolates for their potential as biofuel resources” - Presented at the 12th workshop on Cyanobacteria, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA - 19 – 22nd May, 2016.
102. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Bio-prospecting local microalgae for their biofuel potential” - Presented at the International conference on Microalgal and Cyanobacterial Biotechnology, Bharthidasan University, Trichy - 29th - 31st August, 2016.
103. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2016) “Distribution Study Of Freshwater Microalgae In Water Bodies Of Dakshina Kannada” - Presented at the LAKE 2016: International Conference on Conservation and Mangaement of the Western ghats, Alva's College, Moodbidri - 28 - 31st December, 2016
104. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Enhanced biomass and lipid accumulation in local microalga for biofuels using low cost waste media. Biovistas: Internatinal Journal of biological Research. 5(7): 117 - 124. ISSN- 2321-0524 
105. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Improved biomass and lipid accumulation in microalga for biofuel using low cost formulated media. In the proceedings of  Ethnobotany and herbal technology – oppurtunities and challenges. 88-92. ISBN-978-93-5254-227-7.
106. Jyotsna K, Nikitha H S, Alifha Severes, Smitha Hegde. (2016). Screening high lipid accumulating strains for biofuel production. In the proceedings of  Ethnobotany and herbal technology – oppurtunities and challenges. 68 - 71. ISBN-978-93-5254-227-7.
107. Sachin S.P, Shashi Kiran Nivas (2017 ) “High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Vitamin-C, Benzoate And Benzene” at international seminar on green chemistry and nanotechnology- challenges and opportunities-2017 organized by Department of post graduate chemistry,  food science and technology and DDU kaushal kendra, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous)held on 27th and 28th February 2017
108. Vinutha, Sachin Patvardan and Lyned D Lasrado (2017) “Effect of freeze drying and spray drying on the total phenolic content and surface morphology of Basella alba L. stem mucilage” at National seminar on “Natural Bioactive compounds and Potential Effects an Health” organized by Department of post graduate  studies and research in biochemistry, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) held on 27th January 2017
109. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza (2017) “Freshwater microalgal diversity of the coastal region of Mangalore” - Presented at the National conference on Biodiversity, Biology and Biotechnology of Algae, University of Madras, Chennai - 9 -10th January, 2017
110. Severes A, Hegde S, D’Souza L, Hegde S. (2017). Use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for enhanced lipid production in micro-algae based biofuels. J Photochemistry Photobiology B. 170: 235-240.
111. Kumar, Kiran, Sachin S. Patavardhan, Saritha Lobo, and Richard Gonsalves.(2018) "Equilibrium study of dried orange peel for its efficiency in removal of cupric ions from water." International journal of phytoremediation 20, no. 6 (2018): 593-598.
112. Alifha Severes, Shashikiran Nivas, L D’Souza, Smitha Hegde. (2018).  Diversity study of freshwater microalgae of some unexplored water bodies of a rapidly developing industrial region in India. J. Algal Biomass Utln. 9(2): 31-40.
113. Roopa Shirva, Shashikiran Nivas., “Microalgal biodiversity of temple ponds of Dakshina Kannada” presented at “Lake Symposium 2018, The 11th Biennial Lake Conference on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Riverine Ecosystems” organized by Alva`s college, Moodabidri

114. Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in chilli” at national level seminar “Recent Advances in Biochemistry” organized by Department of postgraduate studies and research in biochemistry St Aloysius college Mangalore on 23rd feb 2019
115. Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Insect - plant interactions: Proteomic overview of broad mite infestation in chilli” at national level seminar in “Current trends in Entamology and Insect- Plant interactions” organized by Department of botany and zoology of St Aloysius college Mangalore on 11-12th Sept.  2019.
116. Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., Proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in chilli” at international conference on “Affordable stratergies for health and environment” organized by NMAM institute of technology NITTE deemed to be university on 23-24th may 2019.
117. Shashikiran Nivas, Sachin S Patavardhan, LD’Souza., Proteomic analysis of broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) infestation in Chili (Capsicum frutescens) presented at “International Conference on Trends in Plant Sciences and Agrobiotechnology-2019 (ICTPA2019) and 40th Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association-India (PTCA-I)2020” organized by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. 
118. Sulakshana Karkala, Michelle Rodrigues, Sachin Patavardhan, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran.,  “Chlorophycean Micro Algae as A Potential Bioremediant: An Investigative study using a Group C Carcinogenic fungicide” presented at “International conference on affordable stratergies for health and environment” organized by NMAM institute of technology NITTE deemed to be university on 23-24th may 2019.
119. Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran., “Bioprospecting locally sourced Chlorella thermophila for crude protein” presented at National Conference on Bioprospecting of Algae 2019”organized by Central Univerity of Kerala, Periye, Kerala, 120.

121. Sachin S Patavardhan, L DSouza, Keshav Prasad, Shashikiran Nivas., “Broad mite infestation in chili: A proteomic approach to hormone regulation” presented at national conference “29th Swadeshi Science Congress - national conference on scince and technology for sustainable development” organized by ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute on 27-29 Feb. 2020.
122. Patavardhan SS, Subba P, Najar A, Awasthi K, D'Souza L, Prasad TSK, Nivas SK. Plant-Pathogen Interactions: Broad Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus)-Induced Proteomic Changes in Chili Pepper Plant (Capsicum frutescens). OMICS. 2020 Aug 11. doi: 10.1089/omi.2020.0080. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32780627.
123. Sachin S. Patavardhan, Jyothi Miranda, Shashi Kiran Nivas., “Isolation, Growth and Characterization of Lipids from Pandorina morum for Biofuel Production” Journal of Bioresources 7(1): 78-90(2020)
124. S Hegde, S Nivas, L D’Souza., Anacardium occidentale Cashew., Litz RE, Pliego-Alfaro F, Hormaza JI, editors. Biotechnology of fruit and nut crops. CABI; 2020 Jan 29.[Book chapter]
125. D’Souza, L. (2020). Jesuit Contributions to Biological Sciences in India. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 7(2), 263-281.

126. Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran., “Chlorella thermophila: an unharnessed novel thermophile capable of multi-industry application” presented at “10th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB 2021)” organized by Elsevier. 

127. Karkala, S., D’souza, L. E. O., & Kiran, S. (2021). Triggering Chromatic Shift In Chlorella Thermophila MN006612 Using Led Sourced Mono And Multichromatic Light Treatments Increases Production Of Biomass, Pigments And Proteins. Plant Cell Biotechnology And Molecular Biology, 141-152. Published on 19 April 2021.

128. Sulakshana Karkala, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran “ Bioprospecting Chlorella thermophila : a novel thermophile” presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Plant biotechnology and genome editing and  42nd Meeting of the Plant Tissue Culture Association (India) organized at ICAR- Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi on April 8-10 2021. 

129. Shashi Kiran Nivas ,  Sachin S. Patavardhan, Kriti Awasthi, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad, Leo D’Souza “A look into proteomic landscape of plant-hormone interactions in birds eye chilli (Capsicusm frutescence)” presented at the International Symposium on Advances in Plant biotechnology and genome editing and  42nd Meeting of the Plant Tissue Culture Association (India) organized at ICAR- Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi on April 8-10 2021. 

130. Sachin S. Patavardhan, Kriti Awasthi, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Leo D’Souza, Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad, Shashi Kiran Nivas,.(2021) “Unravelling post translational modifications in plant-pathogen interaction through proteomic analysis of broad mite infestation in birds eye chilli” at International symposium on “Advances in plant biotechnology and genome editing”  & 42nd  meeting of plant tissue culture association (india) organized by ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Ranchi, India, on 8-10th April 2021.

131. Patavardhan, Sachin S., Kriti Awasthi, Suhasini Suresh, Pratigya Subba, Mohd Altaf Najar, Leo D'Souza, Shashi Kiran Nivas, and Thottethodi Subrahmanya Keshava Prasad. (2021) "Proteome dataset of chili pepper plant (Capsicum frutescens) infested by broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus)." Data in brief 36 (2021): 107095.

 Fr Lawrence Fernandes, SJ (1960-)
  1. Popular Religiosity: A Quest for Meaning, Chennai, Satya Nilayam Publications, 2016, ISBN: 81.903656.6.6
  2. Shrines and Pilgrimages: Philosophy and Practice, (ed.) Chennai, Vijay Nichole Publications,  2016. ISBN 978-81-8209-445-1
  3. Popular Devotions: Philosophy and Practice (ed.). Chennai, Satya Nilayam Publications, 2018. ISBN 978-81-903656-7-3
  1. Popular Religiosity: Reflections from the field, in Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy, volume no. 12, August, 2007, p. 68-84.ISSN: 0972-5016
  2. Popular Religiosity and Human Emancipation, in Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy, no. 15, February, 2009, p. 1-23. ISSN: 0972-5016
  3. Towards an Understanding of Popular Religiosity, an Indian Experience, in Milltown Studies, Milltown Institute, Dublin, No. 61 (summer 2008), pp. 31-57.
  4. Encountering the Sacred at Shrines: with special reference to a Marian Shrine (2010), Vidyajyothi Journal of Theological Reflection, vol. 74. No. 5, pp.350-360. ISSN: 0970-1079.
  5. “Avidya” (2010) ACPI Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, P. 138-140. ISBN: 81-7086-574-3(set)
  6. Tredin na hAise (Christian communities in Asia) in An Timire (The Messanger), Irish Jesuit Publications, Dublin, Samhardh (summer 2010) p. 6-7). An English article translated in Irish)
  7. “An Analysis of the Phenomenon of the Sacred from the Durkheim-Eliade Perspective” for Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies 13,no. 1 (January, 2011): 40-60.   ISSN: 0972-33315.
  8. Wrote an article on ‘The Relevance of Popular Religiosity”, in Satya Nilayam Journal of Intercultural Philosophy, No.24, Vol. 24, October, 2013, p. 95-109.ISSN:    0972-5016
  9. Mircea Eliade’s Philosophy of Religion: The Reality and Relevance Today” in The Journal of Dharma, Vol. 40, No. 3, July-Sept. 2015. P.371-385.ISSN: 0253-7222.
  10. The Emergence of Shrines..  Created or Evolved in Shrines and Pilgrimages: Philosophy and Practice, Vijay Nichole Publications, Chennai, 2016 p. 35-49. ISBN: 978 -81-8209-445-1.
  11. Popular Marian Devotions, A Critical outlook in DNC Times: April – May 2015 p. 7
  12. Symbolic Moments in the Papacy of Pope Francis, in IGNIS, Vol. XLVII, No. II, 2017. P. 35-49. 
  13. Philosophy, Religion and Dietary Practices, in Jeevadhara, Vol. XLVIII, 2018, No. 283. Page 26-36
  14. Being Eco Sensitive: Responding to Global Environmental Crisis, in Satya Nilayam: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy, vol. 31 March (2017) 50-63. 
  15. Towards an Understanding of Popular Devotions, in Popular Devotions: Philosophy and Practice, Chennai Satya Nilayam Publications, 2018 p.77-82.
  16. Published an article titled “Education for a Change: Sarvodya to Antyodaya, in Fully Human and Fully Alive (ed).pune, Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth & Christian World Imprint, 2020 p. 63-76.
Edited the Journals
Edited EIGHT volumes of the journal, SATYA NILAYAM: Chennai Journal of Intercultural Philosophy, 
a. Volume 24 of the Journal on the theme “Relevance of Religion in Contemporary Times: Explorations and Experiments, October, 2013. 
b. Volume No. 25   on the theme: Investigating Religious Diversity. March 2014.  
c. Volume No. 26 on the theme: Identity and Relationality in a Technocratic Society. October, 2014. 
d. Volume no. 27 on the theme: Marriage and Family in Changing Times March 2015.
e. Volume No. 28   on the theme: Intersections: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Gender, October, 2015
f. Volume No. 29 on the theme: Philosophizing India: Tasks and Prospects., March 2016 
g. Volume No. 30 on the theme: Philosophy, Science and Technology, October, 2016. 
h. Volume No. 31 on the theme: Philosophy, Ecology and Religion. March, 2017.

  Fr Oswald Mascarenhas, SJ (1937-)
  1. Business Transformation Strategies: The Strategic Leader as Innovation Manager, Sage publications, Ltd, New Delhi, 2011
  2. J.R.D. Tata: ORATIONS ON BUSINESS ETHICS, Rupa Publications India, 2019
  3. Executive Response to Market Challenges: Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
  4. The Market Context of Executive Decisions: Corporate Ethics for Turbulent Markets, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020
  5. Philosophy of Man      
  6. Philosophy of Religion      
  7. Theology of Revelation
 Fr Daniel Fernandes, SJ (1961-)
  1. Daniel Fernandes (2019). Outcome Based Education: A Transformational Model for Excellence in Higher Education Institutions. University News, 57, (01). 
  2. Daniel Fernandes (2017). Creating High Quality Research in Academia – the Building Blocks. International Journal of Commerce and Management Research. (PIJCMR), IV (4), 11 – 14.
  3. Daniel Fernandes (2016). Transformational Intervention in Higher Education – The Role of Transparency and Accountability. International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research, 3 (6), 1927-1932.
  4. Daniel Fernandes (2015). Educational Autonomy: A Step towards Excellence in Higher Education. University News, 53 (03). 
  5. Daniel Fernandes (2014). Higher Education and Emerging Technologies: Rethinking the Learning Experience. University News, 52 (45), 3 – 7.
  6. Daniel Fernandes (2014). Higher Education and Emerging Technologies. University News, 52 (48), 74 -76.
  7. Daniel Fernandes (2014). Collaborative Learning – Moving from limits into possibilities. International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives, 4(1), 1409-1413.
  8. Daniel Fernandes (2013). Anatomy of RTE: What it means to Indian Education. International Journal of Trade and Global Business Perspectives, 2 (3), 463-468.
  1. Daniel Fernandes (2021). Re-imagining Higher Education- A Compendium of Best Practices: An SJCC Experience. Bengaluru, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Publication. 
  2. Daniel Fernandes (2021). Quality Paradigms in Higher Education: Institutional Policies at SJCC - A Handbook. Bengaluru, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Publication. 
  3. Daniel Fernandes (2011). Samagra Nayakathva.  Bengaluru, Ravivar Publication.
  4. Daniel Fernandes (2008). A study on G. Shampha Avara Janapada Sahithya, Bengaluru, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Publications.
  5. Daniel Fernandes (2007). ಜೀವನ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳು Values of life. Bangalore, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Publication. 
  6. Daniel Fernandes (2007). Kuvempu Sampada. Bangalore, St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous) Publications. 
  1. Daniel Fernandes (Ed.). (2019). The Paradigm Shift in Business, Management and Economics. St. Joseph’s College of Commerce Publication.
  2. Daniel Fernandes (Ed.). (2019). Democracy, Education & Nationalist Discourses - Towards a Critical Engagement (Bi-lingual). SJCC Research Center & Dept. of English & Kannada Publication. 
  3. Daniel Fernandes (Ed.). (2016). Strengthening Transparency in Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs.) SJCC Research Centre Publication. 
  4. Daniel Fernandes (Ed.). (2014). Human Resources Management Practices in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI). SJCC Research Centre Publication. 
Editor -In -Chief (2013 to May, 2021)
Initiated, managed and established SJCC Management Research Review - Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Research Journal (Formerly UGC CARE Listed) (Print – ISSN: 2249-4359). Among the Best Practice of SJCC Research Centre.
 Fr. Joseph Lobo SJ (1963-)
  1. Encountering Jesus Christ in India, ATC publications, Bangalore, 2005 (Doctoral dissertation titled: A METAPHORICAL CHRISTOLOGICAL DISCOURSE IN INDIA: An Alternative Way of Doing Christology in a Cry-for-Life Situation Based on the Writings of George M. Soares-Prabhu)
  2. Searching Christology through an Asian optic, (co-ed), Forum for South Asian Jesuit Theologians, Vol. 1, ISPCK, Delhi, 2017.
  3. Fundamentalism in Religions (co-ed), Forum for South Asian Jesuit Theologians Vol. 2, ISPCK, Delhi, 2018
  1. “EUCHARIST IS NOT JUST THE MASS”, in JIVAN, October, 2005
  2. “IN MY MEMORY: Eucharist and Memory, in THE NEW LEADER, Vol, 118, No. 19, October 1-15, 2005.
  3. “A METHOD FOR DOING THEOLOGY IN A CRY-FOR-LIFE SITUATION”: Tracing the Methodological Considerations of George M. Soares-Prabhu S.J., in WORD AND WORSHIP, Vol.39, No.4, July-October, 2006, pp. 241-255.
  5. “IN SEARCH OF TRUE WORSHIP:A Cross-textual reading of Jn 4:19-26 and Vacana 821:25”, in Vidyajyothi Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol. 70, No. 11, November, 2006, pp.827-844
  6. “DARIDRA NARĀYAŅA (GOD THE POOR)”, in G. Gispert-Sauch SJ (ed), Gems from India, ISPCK, 2006.
  7. “PRACTICE OF JUSTICE AS PRACTICE OF RELIGION: A Critique of Religion from the Perspective of Justice with a Special Reference to Christianity” in SAMSARG: Journal of Mangalore Diocesan Chair in Christianity, Mangalore, Vol. XII, 2006, pp. 72-87
  8. “MYTHICIZATION OF HISTORY AND HISTORICIZATION OF MYTHS AND MYTHOLOGIES: Interplay of Religion and Politics and its Significance for a Liberative Religious Discourse and Praxis in Asia, Vidyajyothi Journal of Theological Reflections, Vol. 72, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 22-37
  9. “JESUS CHRIST IN THE KANNADA POEM ‘GOLGOTHA’: Deciphering a Way of Doing Contextual Christology from a Poem in Jhampe Meter on the Last Day of Jesus by Govinda Pai (1883-1963)” in JEEVADHARA, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 225, May, 2008, pp. 199-222
  11. “St. Paul: An Organic Intellectual, A Marginal Native and a Cross-Cultural Hermeneut, in JOURNAL OF INDIAN THEOLOGY, Vol. 2, No. 3, September – December, 2009, pp. 45-69.
  13. “HISTORICIZING THEOLOGY AND THEOLOGIZING ON HISTORY: A Critical Appraisal of the centrality of the ‘historical’ in Sebastian Kappen’s Theological Legacy”, in JOURNAL OF INDIAN THEOLOGY, Vol. IV, No.1, January - April, 2011, pp.59-76.
  15. Some Religious Anthropologies and Their Implications, Journal of Indian Theology VOL VI, No.1 (May - August) 2013, pp. 27-52
  16. Discernment as a Hermeneutical Process: An interdisciplinary study, IGNIS, quarterly/ No. 2013.1/ Vol. XLIII, No.1. 35-70.
  17. "What does It Mean to Have Faith?", Aikya Samiksha Theological Journal,  Vol 10, No 1&2 (October 2013): 9-29.
  18. “An old way of being Church: Contours of Johannine Ecclesiology – Lessons for our times”, VJTR, Vol. 78, No. 3, March 2014, 214-227.
  19. "When the Slain Lamb Stands Up to the Eagle and the Fox: Jesus and the religio-political leaders", Jeevadhara, Vol. XLIV, No. 261, May, 2014, pp. 9-33
  20. IGNIS, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, 2018, pp. 25-35. Reformation and Jesuits… Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
  21. “…Not enough to be a good Samaritan: The Church’s response to Growing Inequalities and Religious Fundamentalism”, in Globalisation and Response of the Churches, eds. Alphonsus D’Souza, O L Snaitang, Limatual Longkumer, North Eastern Social Research Center, Guwahati, 2014, 97-130
  22. “Stealing the words from one another: A case against preaching downloaded homilies”, VJTR, vol. 78, No. 7, July 2014, 53-68.
  23. “NATURE, DYNAMICS AND PRAXIS OF FAITH, REASON AND WISDOM, Theological Perspectives”, Jnanadeepa: Pune journal of religious studies, Vol. 17, No. 1, January, 2014, 136-157.
  24. “To transform or to deform! The urgency of ongoing formation: Prospects and Perspective”, in Vinayasādhana – Dharmaram Journal of Psycho-Spiritual Formation, Vol. VI, No. 1, January, 2015, 22-36.
  25. "Challenges for Religious Life in India Today", Word and Worship, Vol. 48, No. 1, January-March, 2015, pp.42-54.
  26. "Biblical Shalom as a Paradigm of Peace and Harmony Today", VJTR, Vol. 79, No. 4, April, 2015, pp. 264-276
  27. “Not Just Excellence – but Ignatian Excellence: Non-negotiables for Jesuit Higher Education”, JIVAN: News and Views of Jesuits in India, May-June, 2015, pp. 15-16.
  28. “Mission of the Church according to Samuel Rayan”, in The Vision of New Church and a New Society: A Scholarly Assessment of Dr. Samuel Rayan’s Contribution to Indian Christian Theology, Kurien Kunnumpuram SJ (ed), Christian World Imprints, 2016, pp. 149-171.
  29. “Let justice roll down like waters, and mercy like an ever-flowing stream”, Seminary magazine/ Jivan
    1. a. “Mercy and Justice: The Warp and Woof of Human Life”, VJTR, Vol. 80, No. 4, April, 2016, pp. 265-284.
  30. b. "Misericordia y justicia. La Trama Fundamental de La Vida del Hombre", in Selecciones de Teologia, Vol 56, No. 221, 2017, pp. 71-79 (Spanish version of "Mercy and Justice: The Warp and Woof of Human Life" (publ in VJTR, April 2016)
  31. “Universal mission or universal availability?”, JIVAN, March, 2017, 22.
  32. “Resurrection of the body and Asian realities”, in Searching Christology through an Asian optic, (co-ed), ISPCk, Delhi, 2017, 60-106.
  33. “Imaginatively Faithful and Faithfully Imaginative: Role of Imagination in Theology – Part I”, VJTR, Vol. 81, No, 9, September, 2017
  34. “Imaginatively Faithful and Faithfully Imaginative: Role of Imagination in Theology – Part II”, VJTR, Vol. 81, No, 10, September, 2017, 764-788.
  35. “What has active imagination to do with marginality?”, IGNIS, Vol. XLVII, No. III, 2017, 35-52.
  36. “Understanding the Tension between the Charismatic and Hierarchical Gifts from a Socio-Theological Perspective”, Journal of Indian Theology, Vol, X, No. 3, Sept-Dec, 2017, 13-30.
  37. “When Public Faith Discords with Professional Exegesis...”, in K. Henry Jose (ed.), Becoming Human - Becoming Christ: Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jacob Parappally MSFS, Bengaluru, ATC Publishers, 2018, 242-253.
  38. “Reformation and Jesuits…Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, IGNIS, Vol. XLVIII, No. 1, 2018, pp. 25-35.
  39. “Historicizing liturgy and liturgizing history”, Third Millennium: Indian Journal of Evangelization, XXI (2018),2 April – June.
  40. "Prophetic Leardership: One among many roles or a model for all roles'?, Jnanadeepa: Pune Journal of Religious Studies, Vol 22, No. 2, July-Dec, 2018, 29-50.
  41. “Towards A Theological Deconstruction of Religio-Cultural Nationalism – PART I”, VJTR,  83, no.2 , February,  (2019) 96-105.
    1. Joseph Lobo, “Towards a Theological Deconstruction of Religio-Cultural Nationalism – Part II”, Volume 83, No. 3, March 2019, 170-191.
  42. b “CONTRO IL NAZIONALISMO RELIGIOSO”, in La Civiltà Cattolica 2020 II, 4080 (20 giu/4 lug 2020), pp. 521-533. Reviews of this article were published in the following journals:Avvenire; AgenSir; Globalist; Il Foglio and L’Osservatore Romano during 18-20 of June 2020; CRUX on 23rd June; The Catholic Universe, on 24th June.
  43. a. "St. Oscar Romero: A Prophetic Pastor of our Times ", VJTR, Vol. 83, No. 4, April, 2019, 281-307.
    1. b. “San Oscar Romero: Un Pastor Profético De Nuestro Tiempo”, Selecciones de Teología n.234 (April-June 2020).
  44. "The Caravan of Theologizing in India", in Raj Irudaya, Roy Lazar (ed.s) Today: Voices of Indian Theologians - A Tribute to the Ruby-Jubilee of the Indian Theological Association, ATC Publ, Bangalore, 2019, pp.236-242.
  45. "Towards a Theological Deconstruction of Religio-Cultural Nationalism", in Joy K. Pulikan (ed.), Challenges of Religious Nationalism in India Today: A Theological Response, ATC Publ, Bangalore, 2019, pp. 223-256.
  46. “Ecclesia in Asia: So far and Henceforth”, VJTR, Vol 83, No. 12, Dec, 2019, 882-895.
  47. “Populism and Sacralization of Politics -The Plagues of Our Times: Towards and Integral Response,” in N.J. Kalambukattu and B. Thettayil, ed., The Stunned Populace - Religio-Political Manoeuvres in India: A Theological Response, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2020, 89-115.
  48. “The Human Desire for a Higher Being”, in Konrad Noronha SJ (ed), Spirituality in Practice:Thematic Frameworks for Counseling, Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diago, CA, 2020, 15-26. (password for Cognela: JjJj1234
  49. “Towards an Interreligious Dialogical Theologizing in India: Its Presuppositions, Prerequisites and Implications”, in Mathew Jayanth SJ (ed), Indian Theologies in Search of Methods and Models for Theologizing, Christian World Imprints, New Delhi, 2017, 85-117.
  50. “Sighs and Signs of our Times: How Shall we Read Them?”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection,Vol.84/8, August 2020, 580-600 (22-42)
  51. “The Global Tsunami of Populism, Dictatorship of Market and Fascism: Can the Church Speak out?”, Journal of Indian Theology X11I, 2 (May- August, 2020), 25- 46.
  52. "Covid-19: A Blessing in Disguise? - A Theological Response", Dhyana Journal of Religion and Spirituality, Vol 25, No. 2, October, 2020, 33-47.
  53. “Can the Church Speak Out? Pope Francis’ Aggiornomento for Greater Global Involvement”, in Francis Gonsalves, Arjen Tete, Dinesh Braganza (eds), Towards Renewing Church and World: Revisiting Vatican Council II through the Eyes of Pope Francis, Delhi: JD/ISPCK Theological Publications -1, 2020, 215-236.
  54. “For wealth chasers, liberation theology is Marxist. For others, it’s justice and freedom”, The Print, 20 July, 2021. https://theprint.in/opinion/for-wealth-chasers-liberation-theology-is-marxist-for-others-its-justice-and-freedom/699101/ Reprinted as Joseph Lobo SJ, “Hidden Agenda behind Linking Liberation Theology with Marxism” Indian Currents, Vol. XXXIII Issue 32   02-08 August 2021, 9-11.
  55. “A Dream with a Difference: Challenges of Querida Amazonia to the Traditional Ecclesial Approaches”, Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflections Vol 85, No. 8, August, 2021, pp. 214-224.
  56. “SOSPIRI E SEGNI DEI NOSTRI TEMPI: COME LEGGERLI?”, La Civilta Cattolica, Sommario 4107-4108, 7 ago/4 set 2021, Quindicinale Anno 172, pp. 209-220.
  57.  “Interreligious Dialogue and Human Fraternity”, Goodness Times, https://www.goodnesstimes.org/post/interreligious-dialogue-and-human-fraternity
  58. “Theological Foundations of a Cross-Creedal Encounter: Implications for Christian Mission”, Kuruvilla Pandikattu SJ (ed), Encountering, Experiencing and Enabling: Towards a World-Church, Inspired by Prof Lothar Lies, SJ, (Dehli: ISPCK 2021), 154-172.
  59. “Fr. Pedro Arrupe: The second Ignatius?: Arrupe and Ignatian adaptability”, Ignis, No 2020.1, Vol. XLXII No.1, 14-34.

Books Published
  1. Dalit Christians: A Socio-Economic Survey", Centre for Non-Formal & Continuing Education, Bangalore 1993
  2. Higher Education, Politics and Ideology, Books for Change, 2004, Bangalore
  3. Dalits in Karnataka: In search of identity and equality, Manak Publications, New Delhi 2014
  4. Five Years of Saffron Rule in Karnataka, Manak Publications, New Delhi 2015
  5. Politics of Caste Dynamics, ATC Publishers, Bengaluru, 2017

Books Edited
  1. Perspective in Jesuit Higher Education, Indian Social Institute, Bangalore 1996
  2. Dr. Pinto Ambrose and Arundhuti Roy Choudhury, "Nuclearization of India: Myths, Beliefs and Facts", Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 1998
  3. State, Development & Alternatives, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 1999
  4. Dalits: Assertion for Identity, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 1999
  5. Vox Populi 1999: Analysis of Parliamentary Elections, Indian Social Institute 2000
  6. Dr. Ambrose Pinto and Somen Chakraborty "Relevance of Communist Manifesto", Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 2000
  7. Indian Reality: Debt and Development, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 2000
  8. Resisting the Status Quo: Transforming Society, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 2000
  9. Dr. Ambrose Pinto and Dr. Helmut Reifeld "Women in Panchayati Raj", Indian Social Institute, New Delhi 2001
  10. Autonomy: A Review – Proceedings of a Seminar, St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore, 2008
  11. From Religion to Faith – Reflection on multi-religious experiences, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore 2010 with Dr. Etienne Rassendran
  12. Beyond Politics, Gyan Publishers, New Delhi 2016
 Fr C.C.A. Pai, SJ (Swami Supriya) (1927-2001)
  1. Shirakachem Gronth- The Book of Ben Sirach
  2. Konknni Sobd Lharam – I.
  3. Konknni Sobd Lharam – I.
  4. Konknni Sobd Lharam –  III. (u-e-o)
  5. Konknni Sobd Lharam – IV. (k)
  6. Konknni Sobd Lharam – V. (K-g-G)
  7. Isrelicho Modhur Gavpi - Sweet Singer of Isreal
  8. Mhonniyom, Qohelet, Job and Zannvayechim Gorntham
  9. Janapada Vaijnanika Kshetrakarya - Scientific Fieldwork of folklore
  10. Janapada Kristayanna -Life of Jesus Christ in Kannada Folk Songs
  11. Kolupada Kristayana - Life of Jesus Christ in Kannada Folk Songs
  12. Stith Thompson – Father of Folklore
  13. Konknni Dhatu Roopa Manjari I
  14. Amchoe Huminyom-I
  15. Amchoe Huminyom-II
  16. Amchoe Huminyom-III
  17. Amchoe Huminyom-IV
  18. Amchoe Huminyom-V
  19. Amchoe Huminyom-VI
  20. Bhitorlem Tuphan
  21. Aanya Aakoi etc (poems)
  22. Aakantantlo Aasro Ps 3
  23. Bhaagi zolm monshacho
  24. Ek Ghos Kanniyom
  25. Dusro Ghos Kanniyom
  26. Tisro Ghos Kanniyom
  27. Chovto Ghos Kanniyom
  28. Pansvo ghos Kanniyom
  29. Sovo Ghos Kanniyom
  30. Doryo Ghaazota
  31. Kallilz Murmurem
  32. Adikaanda SH - Manukula Vimochaneya itihasa
  33. Vaagdanada Bhumi (SH)
  34. Mahanaayaka Mose (SH)
  35. Daavidarsana Kathe (SH)
  36. Sakalarigagi Praannarpanne (SH)
  37. Paramatmanigagi Prannarpanne SH8
  38. Punitaroo Puniteyaroo (SH)
  39. Daavdia Raja (SH)
  40. Yesuvige Swagata (SH)
  41. Devarajyada Munsuchane (SH)
  42. Bible Kirtanegalla Rupalakshanna
  43. Maanava Janmapavana –Bible Bhakti Geete
  44. Olavo Chalavo Ps 2
  45. Mogan va Hogyan  Ps 2
  46. Higgida Harsha Bhadrateya Nemmadi Ps 4
  47. Digilid’daru Dugudavil’la Ps 3
  48. Sukh ani Susheg Ps 4
  49. Devacho Putr Jesukrist
  50. Santa Ignasi Loyola
  51. Stanislaus & Berchmans
  52. Santa Francis Saveri
  53. Santa Louis Gonzaga
  54. Bakhita Punnyavati
  55. Santa John de Britto
  56. Bakhita the Fortunate
  57. Bhaagevont Bhakita
  58. Bhakita Bhagi Bhurgem
  59. Nentto tori Zantto Maanay – Borromeo
  60. Amara Saveri
  61. Bhakita (Hindi)
  62. Kraista Hattayogi
  63. Purannagalu – Ondu Adhyana
  64. Kannada Kraista Haddugalla Dhvani mudrike I
  65. Yesu Sabha Ganasakha
  66. Yeya Bhazuyam
  67. Bhajisonna Baara
  68. Bhakti Sankalana
  69. Kristu Bhajaka
  70. Ganamrata (ed)
  71. Sangeeta Sakha
  72. Kraista Bhakti Praveshike
  73. Adyatmika Capsule
  74. Devacha Sobdachi Bhokt
  75. Swatantryada Divasa – Prartana Krama
  76. Bible Services
  77. Nivu Yesukristanan’nu Bal’lira
  78. Kutumbada Horage Belleyuvuvdu (Tr)
  79. Konknni Bhasechem Monsha Shaastir I
  80. Ostomter
  81. Allubai- Konknni Bhasechem Monsha Shaastir II
  82. Kutumbadal’li Bel’leyuvuvdu Tr
  83. Prajithacha Busmacha Budhvarak Devachya Sobdachi Bhokt
  84. 86. Ganada Melladi Pogallona
  85. Devacha Bhadvyachya Manak Devacha Sabdachi Bhokt
  86. Puraanagalu: Ondu Adhyayan
  87. Dispodthi Magni (In Hindi)
  88. Konkani Bhasheche Manshyashasthir 
  1. Family of Love
  2. Poems on Family
  3. Nammo Bhase
  4. Koragas
  5. Malekudiyas
  6. The Third Tribe
  7. Hakkipikkis
  8. Jenu Kurubas and Kadu Kurubas
  9. Modikaras
  10. Bedas
  11. Harana Sikaris
  12. Sudugada Siddhas
  13. Devadasis
  14. Kanjara Bhat
  15. Maragammas
  16. Lambanis
  17. Santrapti
  18. Bellakinat’ta
  19. Korachas
  20. Gonds in Karnataka
  21. Aach Ukkul (Right Knowledge)
  22. Vaddars
  23. A Guide to Unesco Clubs
  24. Koragas (Translated into Japanese)
  25. La Vie des Sudugada Siddhas
 Fr Cecil Saldanha, SJ (1926-2002)
  1. Karnataka - State of Environment Report 4
  2. Karnataka – Parisara Paristiti Varadi 4
  3. Karnataka – State of Environment Report 6
  4. Karnataka – Parisara Paristiti Varadi (1983-84)
  5. A Select Bibliography of the Environment of Karnataka
  6. Andaman-Nicobar & Lakshadweep – An Environ. Impact Assessment
  7. A punched card key to the Dicot families of south India
  8. A Select Bibliography on Lakshadweep
  9. A Select Bibliography on the Andaman & Nicobar Islands- Impact Assessment
  10. Conservation strategies for the Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  11. A Select Bibliography on the Andaman & Nicobar Islands for an environmental impact assessment
  12. Geology & Soils of Western Ghats.
  13. Plants of India
  14. Flora of Karnataka Vol.II
  15. Flora of Hassan District
  16. Endemic Angiosperms in the Western Ghats
  17. Report on Ground Water in Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  18. Vegetation and Ecology of Western Karnataka
  19. Management of the Earth – a Responsible Response (in Dharma)
  20. Ecology – a Theological Response etc.
  21. Ecology & Technology (an Article)
  22. State Award Souvenir (Karnataka Rajyotsava)
  23. S.A. Assistancy – Jesuits in Science
  24. Quarrying and Mining in the Western Ghats (1995)
  25. River Valley Projects in the Western Ghats (1995)
  26. Vegetation of the Deccan
  27. Lakshadweep an Environmental Impact Assessment
  28. The Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  29. Karnataka – State of Environment Report 1984-85
  30. Karnataka – State of Environment Report 1984-85 (Kannada)
  31. Karnataka – State of Environment Report 1983-84 (Kannada)
  32. Karnataka – State of Environment Report 1985-86 (Kannada)
  33. Karnataka – State of Environment Report V
             Fr Dominic Ferroli, SJ
  1. I Saniassi Romani
  2. I Saniassi romani- the Roman Sanyasis
  3. A Still Small Voice
  4. Jesuits in Malabar Vol I
  5. Jesuits in Malabar Vol II
  6. Jesuits in Mysore
  7. Studies in Christian Sanctity
  8. Moral Science – Part I.- General Principles
  9. Moral Science – Part II. - Personal Duties
  10. Moral Science – Part II. - Personal Duties
  11. Moral Science - Part III.- Social Ethics
  12. Ethica Part I. - General Principles
  13. Ethica Part II - Personal Duties
  14. Ethics Part III- Social Ethics
  15. Christ Our Life
  16. A Model of Catholic Action
  17. The Queen’s Goal
  18. Text Book of GeometryThe Attitude of Mysore Rajas towards the Jesuit Missions.
 Fr Aloysius Ambruzzi, SJ
  1. The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius
  2. A Companion to the Spir. Exercises
  3. Mental Prayer
  4. Mental Prayer Made Easier
  5. A Manual of Religion for Catholic Schools Vol. II
  6. In Nomine Iesu
  7. A Life of Christ in Pictures
  8. Jesuit Saints
  9. Saints & Blessed of the Society of Jesus
  10. The Holy Gospel acc. To John
  11. The Holy Gospel acc to Mark
  12. A Glimpse at Church History
  13. St Therese the Little Flower
  14. The Sp Exs in Daily Prayer
  15. God, Man & the Universe (Tr by Ambruzzi)
  16. Gesu, Ieri,Oggi ed in Eterno
  17. Catechetical – Liturgical – Devotional Series
  18. The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ
  19. A Short Bible History
  20. The Holy Gospel acc to Mathew
  21. The Holy Gospel acc to Luke
  22. A Saintly Jesuit-Richard Friedl, S.J
  23. P. Ricardo Friedl (in Italian)
  24. Il Martirio del P. Berthieu
  1. God’s Plan for You
  2. Amchim Festam II
  3. Tanchim Festam
  4. New Meditations Vol II
  5. Zagmag
  6. Noklam Biklam
  7. Sasvatitlo
  8. Shetam Bhattam
  9. Dhyan Prarton
  10. Ami Moddcho Unddo
  11. Sollavoll
  12. The Polite Way
  13. Vollok Natulle Dusman
  14. Sadachara
  15. Saramsh
  16. Povitr Sobheche Survile Vir
  17. Povitr Sobheche Uprantle Vir
  18. Povitr Sobheche Arvile Vir
  19. Povitr Sobheche Arvile Vir II
  20. The Polite Preacher
  21. Sadamchi Shith- Kaddi
  1. Konkani Rananthlo Sobit Sundar Tallo / ಕೊಂಕ್ಣಿ ರಾನಾಂತ್ಲೊ ಸೊಬಿತ್ ಸುಂದರ್ ತಾಳೊ
  2. Konkani Vade Mecum
  3. English-Konkani Dictionary
  4. History of Canara
  5. Jesuit Sant

Fr George Lobo, SJ

Fr Walter Fernandes, SJ

Fr Walter Albuquerque, SJ

Fr A Devassahayam, SJ

Fr A. S Rodrigues, SJ

Fr Alexis P. Menezes, SJ

Fr Mathew Lewis, SJ